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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2025 in all areas

  1. Congrats. 👍 I once documented my very similar procedure here: This was before the rubber-band trick was discovered, so I hadn't tested if that would have worked in my case. At the time, I also measured 0 V between the pins, but you are probably right, that the internal protection disconnects the cell below some critical value. My Pro1-X has been working fine since (though I do not use it much anymore).
    2 points
  2. I must be one of the lucky ones. I was an early backer because I wanted the best deals on Indiegogo. I received my Pro1 and my Blue Pro 1 X early. I received the Pro 1 X almost a full year before Covid hit and all the shipment emails of back orders for other people's phones started arriving. To this day, both phones are snappy and work great. However, the real power of physical keyboard is from the Google Play Store app named Keyboard Mapper. The app is awesome. I always use physical keyboard shortcuts to open Apps, write -out/remember passwords, addresses, phone numbers, or common pre-written
    1 point
  3. I split out the Android Auto discussion, Just seemed like something that needed it's own focus rather than being buried in here, Hope no one minds.
    1 point
  4. I have good cable - with this cable was it working when i was on lineage 21
    1 point
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