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Posts posted by Erik

  1. 11 minutes ago, david said:

    Was that test done over wifi or cellular?

    I am talking about over wifi, by running the ping command, in a terminal shell, pinging the address of the wireless access point 6 feet away.  

    I checked that "battery saver" was off. I also went into battery optimization and turned it off for the terminal app, but that didn't make a difference.

    If you got 2ms ping over wifi, to a remote speedtest server, then i would question the results.  You would have at least one hop to get to the wireless access point and then one or more hops to get to your internet provider's gateway to the internet, etc.  Even over cellular, that seems too good to be true.  The speedtest server must be ultra close to you.

    I would be curious what you can get by running the ping command to that same server, if you are able to find the ip address.  But running ping to your local wireless access point would replicate what I am doing.

    It was done over wifi in a WeWork office, which admittedly sometimes we get 800 MBPS up/down. The router is an enterprise grade Cisco Meraki. But I get similar sub 5ms pings with most fibre optic ISPs, in and around the London area.

  2. I suspect it's the server that your device is picking up to do the test with, unless if you do the test from your home network somehow. Maybe check if the battery manager is on?

    On our work wifi, we have a relatively impressive ping result. 



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  3. 53 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    My guess would be that they 'simply' lack a way of 'locking' this option down, once the parcel is close to delivery. Of course optimally it would work until the last second, but I can see the logistic problems in that, especially if on the van and with a planned route.

    It happens with pretty much every courier out there when a last minute address change is requested. There are dozens of people involved for just one shipment, it's hard to update them all about the change. Most couriers don't look on their devices for address changes, instead they look on the label if the shipment is too far from a sorting facility.

    • Thanks 4
  4. 5 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    With FedEx not reacting to the mail until this morning, I decided to go to the live chat, as much as I hate using those things.
    I wasn't exactly expecting a quality conversation, but the support person really went out of their way to ignore everything my last email and my chat messages said about having the importer corrected to be F(x)tec instead of me. They did insist that I send them the darn credit card bill, so I did it despite everything, to get things finally rolling.
    They confirmed the sender would pay the taxes, though that would be Expansys and not Fx? Not sure if any of what they told me is really correct. I'm sorry for any extra cost this will possibly cause, but it doesn't look things were gonna move otherwise.

    ...well I don't know if things will be moving yet. If they're still not happy then I have no idea. I have no documents left I could show them.
    Do you guys perhaps have any spare QWERTZ devices in the UK if this one has to be sent back? For the worst case.

    Send them the bill, all that matters is you getting your device! Expansys, working on our behalf, will later dispute their decision if the cost is higher than we have accounted for, but that's nothing that you should be worried about.

    This applies to everyone who is getting weird emails from Fedex.

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  5. 3 hours ago, Party_Grunt said:

    Just realized that those of us with our phones stuck in Taiwan probably got unlucky that they didn't leave before CNY started on the 23rd, which is the day of the last actual movement update for any of our devices. My delivery date also changed to pending instead of giving a date. Guess I'll contact FedEx to make sure.

    Yes, you'd need to call Fedex on that. For us, Expansys is the only authorised contact to request updates, and they are obviously off for the holidays. Seems like each country is treating shipments on their own terms.

    • Sad 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    I can do that, but they really seem to want the credit card bill showing what I paid.

    I'll forward the commercial invoice to you via email then. Which exact response do you want me to send FedEx, though, just the one just now or also the other post with the process explanation perhaps?

    We will need to send you a commercial invoice where we (Fxtec) are clearly shown as the importer, with you being the consignee. This is what some Fedex offices don't seem to get right, luckily less than 1% so far.

    • Thanks 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    FedEx finally responded and said they will not accept the invoice provided by F(x)tec Support. Guess I'll send them the real one and explain the situation. Let's see how much they care...

    If you can send us the commercial invoice which they have and they should have shown it to you, we can correct it with us being the importer, which I believe is how it should have been put in the first place, and then our invoices should work. Copy my response to the ticket.

  8. 31 minutes ago, netman said:

    who actually looks at the keyboard after using it for a few weeks though?

    Server work. Conscious and accurate typing alone can result into disasters on a production server, let alone if it was done on a touch screen. There are occasions that you simply can't pull out a laptop, busy London trains that I spend 2 hours a day on, gym...

    • Like 2
  9. 13 minutes ago, VaZso said:

    They seem to understood DDP so it should be okay, I have just asked them if they see the full amount is not really fair as a base number to count Customs.
    ...so they told me they are going to subtract mentioned VAT amount and use that value but they will do administration according to DDP so I don't have to pay any fees.

    I have just did not want to have F(x)tec costs higher than what is necessary (or which would be even unfair).

    That's perfect, as long as there's no trouble with you receiving your package :). Our shipping partner Expansys can later dispute their decision, but even if they don't, the amount of people that reported to have this issue is relatively small compared to the shipped orders, so it's not going to hurt us in any way. We have accounted for possible lost devices in transit and little things like this already.

    Expansys was used to deliver some of Google's devices, including the pixel, so they know what they're doing.

    • Like 3
  10. 26 minutes ago, VaZso said:

    @Erik, @Waxberry, I have just called FedEx to gather some additional information and spoke with Customs handling person.

    I sent them what they have requested on 22th, so they have a receipt of what I have paid and also they have the information on order page so they see product price, shipping and also the note that the included amount of VAT.

    She told me they work with these values so I have (649-100) EUR + 24 EUR, so 573 EUR payed with 112.17 EUR of VAT included, so they will subtract the latter and they will handle customs based on that value (so 460.83 EUR for me if I count well).
    Also, as being DDP, they will not put on their handling fee as they would if I would pay these fees instead of F(x)tec.

    They told me I can not prove the mentioned amount of USD which is the real costs of F(x)tec per production unit as they wrote here.

    I have asked them what happen if a user does not provide order info so the amount of VAT included and she told me then they will ask the user to also send that information (the same as it is written in their notice), so they will also subtract TAX value for them.

    However, for a standard (non-IGG) order, the base value will be even higher than their real cost...

    So this is what I could get as additional information about Customs handling (at least for Hungary anyway).

    I think some branches really don't understand what DDP is, but given the little volume of these reports, feel free to pay for the difference, and we'll refund it to you.

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  11. 52 minutes ago, elvissteinjr said:

    In my case, FedEx Germany wants some proof of the declared value/invoice stating I paid the exact amount as declared. I cannot simply say the value is correct, but I lack proof of the declared value as well of course.
    They also want me to allow them to handle customs in my name, no indication of pre-paid customs fees anywhere, though I'm not sure where I'm supposed to look.

    I only have very shallow knowledge of this, but I think in Germany I really need to have the price I paid declared and won't get away with shenanigans as explaining what Erik told us here.
    F(x)tec Support isn't responding within 24 hours anymore either it appears.

    Current status on the tracking page is just "clearance delay" ...which after googling could mean many things, including customs just being slow or them waiting for me to fix my shit. It does say "no action required", though I do have that mail that came much earlier than this status.

    Email us, please - [email protected] . I believe some courier partners get confused with the method we've chosen, which is unusual when shipments go directly to consumers. This method is typically used when we import the stock to our EU warehouse, but with this batch we wanted to ship orders as quickly as possible. They might be a little confused why it's going to consumers.

    Recipients in the UK haven't reported this, including most in Germany.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Val said:

    That may not be the case in Eastern Europe, even if we're talking about an EU country. In my case, TNT (Fedex) works with a private person/company regarding the custom services and they've pushed for some fees. Should I mention that the person/company have a gmail address?:D And this is kinda official, the email being sent from TNT address with the "friend" in cc, asking to contact them directly.

    I'm also talking with Fxtec over the mail and I asked them to talk with Expansys in order to apply some contractual/legal pressure to Fedex regarding this matter. 

    Oh god.... we've heard similar stories before but didn't expect that from TNT & Fedex.

    • Sad 3
  13. 6 minutes ago, Doktor Oswaldo said:

    An that is not a uncommon high margin I expected it to be higher tbh. Ither companies have more:


    Correct. It excludes the factory labour, shipping, customs that we pay for, in addition to the hefty licensing costs with Qualcomm, certifications and everything else that is needed for the device to be on the market. Once all of that is deducted, the margin is actually very low compared to other technology/phone startups. We have made the decision to keep it low to allow more users to afford the Pro1.

    Our margin will increase in tandem with our production volume, as costs usually drop on larger scales.

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  14. Let me make it a little more clear. If you get these letters, simply sign them. The value might confuse you and I will explain why, but you should sign it and it is safe to do so.

    We are the ones importing the devices to your countries, as the device hasn't technically arrived into a European (or US) warehouse before shipping directly to you. Therefore, the value is defined similar to what the factory charges us (Fxtec) for the device, excluding transportation and labour. The value will not match what you paid, because we are importing the products to your countries based on our production cost, and later paying the VAT on what we charged you (but that is for us to take care of).

    Once the paperwork is signed, there should be no additional costs on your side.

    This should be pretty straightforward, but if you have any questions please forward them to [email protected].

    • Thanks 9
  15. 1 minute ago, Raksura said:

    While the idea of paying the customs fee that was already included in the phone's price a second time, then having it be re-reimbursed by you is indeed a good solution, the issue here is about the amount indicated (300 instead of at least more than twice this amount, unless maybe an IGG coupon was used).

    From what I can tell, signing this is committing perjury.

    I'd like to remind you that we are the ones importing the device into your countries, and as this is DDP (delivered duty paid), we are the ones paying for it. Therefore, the value is defined similar to the cost that our factory sells it to us.

    • Thanks 4
  16. 10 hours ago, kemot0055 said:

    Hello, I got the stock assigned letter and as well I got the tracking number from FEDEX.

    I got today the e-mail from FEDEX about the need to pay for the customs.

    What is weird in this situation is fact that customs value is 300 USD as you see in the attachments below:



    And as well in commercial invoice entitled as "TOTAL INVOICE VALUE":


    According to Erik in this post: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2461-pro1-pre-orders-updates/ custom fees should be pre-paided by the company. But in this case is probably not...

    I got also the letter to be signed (I translated it):


    According to the letter attached - I must pay for the fee

    What I should do in this situation? I can count on help from the f(x)tec side? Maybe someone from poland had this situation before?

    Thanks in advance.

    Pinging @Erik


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  17. 6 minutes ago, rejujacob said:

    But it was already picked up. Please see below history. Hence I am confused.

    • Tuesday , 21/01/2020
      At FedEx origin facility
      Scheduling per shipper request
    • 18:59
      Left FedEx origin facility
    • 17:19
      Picked up
    • 00:52
      Shipment information sent to FedEx

    Might have to do something with the customs clearance which we are arranging for some countries. But from our side, we are not rescheduling any shipments or anything.. Why would we do that for something that we already paid Fedex to ship out?

    • Like 2
  18. 2 minutes ago, rejujacob said:

    My scheduled delivery by Fedex was for Sat, 25th Jan.

    But now it shows as "Shipment schedule pending"  "Shipping Exception" and other comments as under. Any idea what's happening? Why would Fxtec change my shipping schedule?
    Have sent Fxtec email. Wonder when I will get a reply.

    Shipment schedule pending
    Recommended action: 
    Scheduling per shipper request. Contact shipper if questions.
    No scheduled delivery date available at this time.



    Give it 12-24 hours. Fedex are just picking those packages up now 🙂

    • Thanks 4
  19. 20 minutes ago, raphaelcno said:

    [...] "This batch is 6x bigger than the previous batches combined." [...] "It will, however, still include 70% of all pre-orders" [...]


    So it means that around 12% of all pre-orders have been delivered until now, before this big batch 🙄 


    With this batch, 70% of all pre-orders will be complete.

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