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About EskeRahn

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  1. To make sure what is going on you will need to do as follow to narrow down the issue Wipe the phone with a factory reset, without restoring anything. If the problem persists, you got a faulty unit, that need to be serviced. Else, restore everything. Turn off automatic backup (to avoid destroying your backup) Uninstall some apps See if/that the problem persist If it does back to 5 If it does not, you know the culprit is among the ones you knocked out last Restore everything, end remove these apps only You could also do it the other way r
  2. There are Pros and Cons of LineageOS, but I doubt t will fix what you are reporting, if it was a general problem common among other Android users we would have known, so at mentioned in the other thread, you either got a faulty unit, or some apps that causes havoc. So wiping the phone with a factory reset and no added apps is the first step.
  3. I see it like this in adb And like this in fastboot I have never heard of "Kedacom" BTW
  4. PS I assume that you await the boot of "adb reboot bootloader" to finish, ending in the bootloader menu, right?
  5. That "fastboot devices" returns without even waiting is the expected behaviour if it does not see any device in fastboot mode. It only shows a result if the device is in fastboot mode (shows the bootloader menu). Is the hub USB 3? If so try something inferior(!) Try from an old PC, a linux PC or with an old usb 2 hub. From other threads this seems to hit 'newer' pc's with windows andd usb 3.0. So an old pc with usb 2.0 is likely to do the trick.
  6. Apart from driver, It COULD also be a connection issue, as fastboot is more picky than ADB... You could try to connect through a hub, as direct connection to newer pc's USB 3 ports have caused me problems with fastboot. I do not know why a hub helps here, but my guess is that it adds som lag in the connection, that makes fastboot more happy. I had issues with a Lenovo laptop, but using a USB 3 port on Lenovo 'docking' connected via Thunderbolt 4, make it work. I also experimented with an ancient cheap (usb 1?) hub, and it worked, but things got extremely slow, so flashing took sor
  7. Hmm most likely some overheating protection that kicks in, as you previously reported it getting very hot during usage. It is not a thing I have experienced, so you might have a faulty unit??? šŸ˜¢ Anyone else experiencing this? My first guess would be a factory reset, to rule out that it is some software running that uses a lot of power, as this could make most phones go hot.
  8. I put a flip case on mine, and that practically eliminates the issue, as you are then unlikely to accidentally trigger it. We have a terrible long thread on (mainly DIY) cases, but long-story-short, it requires either a 3D-printed case or some tinkering with existing cases. I have my own blah blah on the cases I made, and have been using for five years here.
  9. Let me repeat my reply to about the same post on IGG yesterday: Uh that was a bad experience!! On the broken seal they did a long while back say that they opened boxes to check battery, why they were not re-sealed I have no idea, others have reported the same. And the bloated battery is most likely the cause of your broken device. I guess no one opened and re-checked devices before this wave was rolled out, Contact them at [email protected] Iā€™m not sure they read comments in here.
  10. Interesting and faster method! šŸ‘ Though the fewest will have the needed Switchable Supply to do it this way, it could be interesting for FxTec for devices they got in for service. So let me tag @Erik and @Casey so they can forward it to the right persons.
  11. Nope, they are not identical, the USB is moved further away from the back on the Pro1X (to allow for larger plugs, like the round magnetic charge-only ones) And I think they said something about different antenna-layout at some point. If I remember correctly, the physical keyboard parts are the same, though the logical key-layout printed is different. (the qwertZ layout for Germany and others might be identical)
  12. Quite possible, it could be some ever so slightly different handling of some handshaking (or lack of handshaking?) At first I thought it was USB3.0 that was the problem, as USB2.0 seem to 'always' work. But it is more complex than that, as it works just fine with USB3.0 from the Thunderbolt4.0 hub. My guess is that the presence of a hub adds ever so slightly to the latency, and it just MIGHT be that the Linux driver has ever so slightly longer latency build in.
  13. I also found this https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3774-known-hardware-that-works-for-flashing/?tab=comments#comment-65063
  14. It might be this post https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3462-usb-drivers-in-windows-10/?tab=comments#comment-61186
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