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Everything posted by npatel1050

  1. Already gone. Damn that went so fast. Whoever bought the phone got a smoking deal... Sorry the phone didn't work out for you OP.
  2. I would wager any exposure is good exposure so they should really try to sell as many devices as they can
  3. Assuming they can't retool the existing hardware, one of two things may happen over the coming months. They might drop the price on the pro1 - massive middle finger to the early adopters, but it will improve sales They will announce a new device - but given the track record for releasing, I'm unsure of how successful this would be. I would probably recommend the first option, but I'm not at the helm
  4. I wish they would post these emails in the update thread. I haven't been getting these emails for a while now
  5. Then post an update saying we have no new information. Radio silence sucks for the people who are intently following your project.
  6. That's very unfortunate. If you're the same person, I loved your work on the Relay 4G
  7. Competitor leaving the market is bad no matter what. You may not like the designs, lack of root, OS or whatever, but fact is it's one less option for people who want a keyboard. I was debating hard about getting a Priv when it came out a while back but the price was so high. I would've made soany compromises to get it too, but it was the only semi modern option for a keyboard phone
  8. Can't predict when the factory will open but can you approximate how long it will take to complete the next batch? Also wondering what general availability will look like? Will local warehouses have the phone ready to ship or will the phone be on a made to order basis?
  9. If the company stands behind their product, I wouldn't see that as an issue. Especially considering how new the phone is and early on in the life cycle
  10. Good, I'm hoping with more production, prices for this thing start coming down... Used market should be interesting to track
  11. Up to 70% of orders are filled now, what's the plan for the rest of them? When will they start production again? What will the ordering process look like once all pre-orders are filled?
  12. They said on Twitter that the 4-6 weeks listed on the website is accurate now, although it's been like that for months. No doubt they are getting there, but even with a majority of the orders filled, they still remain obscure about details I said I would order when general availability comes, but I think I'll be waiting longer still. Not placing an order until phones during general availability are verified delivered in a timely manner.
  13. What percentage of pre orders are left and what's the "estimate" for general availability?
  14. I would anticipate people would be less willing to pay full price for a "used" device regardless of how little it was used. Especially considering the preorders are steadily getting filled now Good luck with sale
  15. So it went from all preorders by the 18th, to 70% by the 18th, and now we're at the 20th? Delays galore... Lol jk Still terrible communication though. Feels like no one is on the same page
  16. So glad they stopped those bs Twitter marketing posts. The Christmas one was tone deaf. Idiots....
  17. Wondering how ordering will play out after preorders. Will each warehouse have stock ready to ship or will the pro1 remain a made to order device?
  18. I wonder if that big batch actually shipped this week and if they're really on track to finish preorders by the end of the month. Or if it's just another hope/dream of theirs
  19. You know this isn't the first time they "planned" to have something done and missed the mark... Probably not even the 10th time, maybe more
  20. npatel1050

    Spare Parts

    Mind sharing some pictures of the carnage? Never seen a broken pro1 before...
  21. Regardless, knowing the amount of orders won't speed up or slow down production. But it will give us a better idea of when to expect our devices. Or at least tell us what batch we're in... But even that they won't disclose...
  22. They never disclosed that info before, what makes you think they will do it now? I don't really know what the big deal is in divulging the number of orders. Unless they're holding onto that info to seem bigger than they appear
  23. It's very damning to see all their official updates in one post.... If you told me it would be at least 6 to 8 months from when I paid I wouldn't have gone through with my pre order at all. And even after all this, they continue to give murky updates as usual and continue to miss deadlines
  24. They're a business that needs to make money, no problem with that. But claiming you'll lose business to resellers and dealers because you don't supply to them before pre orders is crazy. If there's demand, people will buy the device, doesn't matter who sells it. And enough demand, retailers will be more than happy to stock it, even if they have to wait. They really should be processing everything in chronological order, regardless of dealer, individual, bulk, whatever.
  25. I know but I feel like that ship has set sail. Looking back I'm sure if they knew it would take this long, they would've picked a newer chipset. SD835 for 700 is going to be a tough sell, whether you love qwertys or not If they could've retooled for a newer chip at the last minute, I feel like they should have
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