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  1. Hi, My phone is now fixed. This is the message I got from Fxtec support: I`m so happy that I can use my Pro 1 again. Let's hope Pro 1 X production goes smoothly so I can get a spare one soon in case my Pro 1 needs repair again 😀
  2. My phone is now at Fxtec's hands. Let see if they can locate the problem.
  3. I have tried to avoid fast charging, but that's not always possible. I have also contacted support and restored factory settings twice without any luck. Let's see how the the story unfolds. I pretty sure too that it's a hardware failure.
  4. My four months old Fxtec Pro 1 (qwerty) started act funny last week. Fingerprint reader gets very hot and stopped working. The reader is hot ecery time I try to use it. I tried to restore factory settings, but it didn't help. The phone does get kind of warm when charged with the fast charger. Faulty battery?
  5. I got mine 10 min. ago😀 I bought it from Dragonbox in December.
  6. F(x)tec Costumer service told me yesterday (10.12.19) that 3rd batch stock assigned emails will be send in 5-7 days (15-17.12.2019)
  7. Somebody is already ready selling Pro¹ in ebay; https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264543783692
  8. Nothing there either. Let's hope that the second batch covers all the IGG and mid-november timetable holds
  9. IGG and qwertz and nothing. Pre-ordered 27.2.2019. Order number #4***
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