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  1. I put a matte screen protector on my devices these days. I don't care about the protective qualities, but the matte finish stops the screen turning into a smudgy mess and eliminates glare.
  2. This is a very satisfying thread.
  3. I would definitely be interested in this if the stickers are high quality. I like the idea of scraping off the black so the backlight shines through.
  4. He gives the wrong price in the video, and also incorrectly states that you can use two SIMs and expandable storage at the same time.
  5. There's a bit more info here: https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/device-state So your co-worker was right (the original key is permanently baked into the hardware), but you can also in theory supply another key to use. It guess this feature isn't widely implemented though (or at least, nobody cares / hasn't tried it) - supposedly OnePlus 5/5T and a Xiaomi phone in addition to Google's own devices.
  6. Maybe it's limited to certain devices, but the Android docs mention this as a possibility (CopperheadOS / GrapheneOS uses it). If you provide a key when the bootloader is unlocked, then it should be possible to install signed updates after relocking.
  7. I'm mostly concerned with the facts. Either the claims are true or not... Verified Boot does concern me. It's not absolutely critical, but I'd like to have it running if possible and didn't, in fact, realise that LineageOS was missing this functionality at first. Ideally I would like to have built and signed releases myself using my own keys. Ok, fair enough, Of course, I completely agree. Are the idealte bits not used at all for Lineage?
  8. There are some concerns raised here, for example - I don't know if they still apply, one year later: https://www.reddit.com/r/CopperheadOS/comments/917yab/can_anyone_technically_explain_why_lineageos_as/
  9. I appreciate the explanation, thank you. I've been reading up on Lineage and I'm not super keen on it now - the project seems to put an emphasis on features over security - which is fine, but I think I'm actually interested in using something like the Ungoogled ROM you've posted here. The thing is, I'd like to make some modifications to it (entirely for my own purposes). I can see the stuff in the Android source that I would change but my knowledge of how the whole thing slots together is rather limited. My question is: is there a way of merging in the proprietary (binary) bits of th
  10. I see. So Lineage in theory does everything that the BSP does, but is an open source implementation?
  11. Is the source available for this so we can build it ourselves?
  12. There are apps that can do this by setting a security policy on the device, e.g.: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.zygotelabs.locker/ Unfortunately, there's no mention of any protection against accidental login attempts (like BlackBerry has). So use with caution.
  13. Just because they have always been different doesn't mean they should be. Why does there need to be a learning curve? If the keyboard does something magic that is worth the effort to learn, that's one thing, but moving things around is a totally useless innovation. In the past, phone makers had the valid excuse that there simply wasn't enough room for the standard layout with all the keys -- or it could even be argued that the target audience, mainstream users, didn't need all the symbols. Now we have a full keyboard which even has duplicate keys and yet things aren't in the right place. With
  14. It is different. Unless you're buying a keyboard with some weird layout -- which, I did once, by the way, and the experience was enough ensure I will never make the same mistake again (the change wasn't even as severe as the Pro1). Besides, most of us aren't switching to the Pro1 layout - we have to use it simultaneously with machine(s) with the correct layout. Even if the new layout can be learned well, there has to be a loss of efficiency somewhere.
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