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Everything posted by Zamasu

  1. Originally, it's 100% publicly available at this moment though. I just said I didn't know where it originated. That was also a hypothetical option that I don't know if it was actually the case. It's not contradictory. It's an addition. They're still processed based on payment date, but prior to that they would be ordered on voucher status. Also, them adding an additional sorting method like that doesn't actually change anything practically about that email, paying sooner would still get you your phone sooner. Note, I'm making statements here on how they ordered shipments, but that
  2. Considering the other poll got borked, I made a new one since I was actually interested in that. This is just to get a gauge on how what percentage of people here got a stock assigned email. I added a distinction between what I think first batch and second batch is though, and added an option for the US first batch that got a new stock assigned email. I hope I didn't make any mistakes and exclude an option.
  3. Yup. Didn't say it was though. It was definitely mentioned somewhere, but I think it might've been a forum post by Erik or Chen. Maybe prior to that email even. Maybe it was only sent to the people with the vouchers. Not really sure where it originated, but it's definitely true.
  4. I just wanted to clarify it wasn't months after, but just days. And there were other factors that decide your position in the queue, like if you had a voucher because of the previous IGG campaign for the moto mod thing. Though I'm not saying everything went according to how they said the queue would work (neither am I saying it didn't), just clarifying.
  5. I think you're talking about anonim001, who said 10.08, which would be the tenth of August in certain notations like in the EU. They also say "paid after a few days", so October is unlikely. And considering some of the terms they use, like €, I think it's highly likely they're from the EU. So that answers that there were EU pre-orders included.
  6. They said "to resolve this, we have added in a couple of extra steps to the production process and have been looking into alternative methods to ensure this improves the overall ratio of yield". The "to resolve this" could just be them saying they've taken the steps they think would best solve the issue, it's not necessarily them saying they have fixed the issue. The "ensure this improves the overall ratio of yield" refers to something they're looking into, so not necessarily implemented yet. In short, they F(x)tec didn't email that the issue has been looked at and fixed in the new batch.
  7. Could be that every screen has that issue, but something about the combination of the rest of the phone with the screen fixes it. But only a percentage of the time. We really don't know much about it. You could look up I think the Elephant phone that uses the same screen for how the light bleed was there, but again, it might not be applicable.
  8. I am 100% real, I do not like being called a unreal, or wrong, when I was right. Nothing says the second and third bullet point are a different or the same batch. I only said I read that sentence as them being the same batch, which is a valid way to read it, and I'm not saying they're definitely the same batch. Yes there, where everybody said they got the stock assigned email on the 4th. Not what you said in the post, but okay. You're referring to when you got the tracking number, not the stock assigned email. I haven't mentioned the tracking number emails in this conve
  9. You can see the times people posted about getting those mails yourself. If you're saying that people are wrong in those posts or something, then we shouldn't trust anything posted on these forums. Nope, I'm saying "I read that as "the second batch", as that batch is different from the first batch." Nothing about a third batch in there.
  10. I read that as "the second batch", as that batch is different from the first batch.
  11. That wasn't the case for the first batch stock assigned emails though. There was a reason to stagger the payment mails, no reason to stagger the stock assigned emails.
  12. There is no reason to think that that's possible, there's a chance they'd rather re-use the parts or whatever for a different device then.
  13. First batch also had issues with lightbleed, it was mentioned before and it's an issue with the display and prevalent in a different phone with the same display. It's been explained that basically some number of devices made will just have lightbleed. It's like yield in other production processes, they try to make 100 devices, but only get like 10 good quality ones and scrap 90 of them (I made that number up). It's not every device, it just slows down the production.
  14. I just don't know anymore. Assuming the shipping will take as long as previously (not that wild of an idea), then the chance is very low, they'd need to ship them Tuesday. However, reading Craig's post in the "Got Your Pro1, Tracking Number or "Stock Assigned" message? POST HERE!" thread suggests that the theory of same shipping times wouldn't hold. Tracking numbers next week would be faster than the previous shipment. And then there's also the first batch that's returning from the US which might get re-assigned to people in the third batch, so maybe that batch will ship sooner.
  15. Same. Weird to see they didn't announce the phones being shipped until today, but okay guess I was wrong previously then. I'm guessing people would get them around the 18th of December then. Kneejerk reaction here: The small amount of people posting about getting stocked assigned, coupled with an issue with production makes me worried about how many people will get their phones in 2019. It seems like maybe a couple of hundred of people got stock assigned in total, compared to I'm guessing thousands of orders. So 90% is still waiting for that, and they'll most likely get phones shipped onl
  16. I'm sure plenty of people on this forum would. But I've seen people that were incredibly hyped about the phone pretty much just toss it in the trash because of minor bugs. And the people in later batches are more likely to be less dedicated fans, and thus more likely to want a "mainstream" device that just works. And the subsequent batches being bigger, and general availability being around the corner also means that building up general reputation is very important at this point. Just saying, there are a lot of factors to consider for this.
  17. Not saying I know any more about that, but I think that's how the cheaper shipment options generally work. Just pool together a bunch of stuff and send it once. But even then, this is from China just after the 11th which is a huge event, and Black Friday now happening. Any shipment company probably has enough customers to choose from, I don't think any would be waiting for more.
  18. That's not the direction I would go with "not everyone knows what they know". But we'll see if what you said was true if the devices will be in customers hands in 1 to 2 weeks, or if they're still to be sent and people need to wait for 3 weeks. EDIT: What we know from Erik is that the phones hadn't left the factory yet last Tuesday ("we know a batch of stock is leaving the factory sometime this week"). For them to arrive anywhere this month would mean they decreased the shipping time from 2 and a half weeks to a mere 3 days. And that Erik didn't know they were shipped yet, so more
  19. It's a balance. If they thought the update would come sooner and wouldn't actually delay anything, then why not? If it provides a better first impression, then it would create a better reaction, and thus better sales. And people don't like having to update, a good out of the box experience is also important. It's absolutely an option, but whether they did it or not depends on internal info we don't have, and I don't expect them to give out.
  20. Yes, and now read my whole post, specifically this part: " Support seems to just be wrong, No way the phones are due to arrive at the end of this month considering nobody received tracking yet. End of next month doesn't mean much either. " We should've gotten tracking codes yesterday if they were to arrive before the weekend. It'll take at least 3 more weeks for the phones to arrive. Please don't make people think they'll get them tomorrow.
  21. There is no info on this. I could see them holding back shipment until they could update them to be honest.
  22. Erik hasn't posted anything new, and Glumreaper says "Given that we haven't been told that the second batch has left China yet". Support seems to just be wrong, No way the phones are due to arrive at the end of this month considering nobody received tracking yet. End of next month doesn't mean much either.
  23. Did I miss something? Oh, I guess not. Which signs? Just the message that they're supposed to leave this week? Because I haven't seen any updates past that, and I wouldn't call that a high likelihood to the second batch being shipped already. In fact the absence of any message makes it seem likely they haven't been shipped yet in my opinion.
  24. Well, not everybody is willing to never cancel. Some people would rather get their money back if in a hypothetical situation, the ship might be sinking, or they'd still wouldn't have the phone in 2022. But good to know you're willing to do that then.
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