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I use both gmail and outlook mail app, and both work flawlessly in landscape. As does the SMS app, whatsapp, discord, twitter, skype, and slack (damn I have lots of communication apps…)


Though GMAIL technically works in landscape, it is clearly not intended to be used in landscape.

It missuses the display with so much spacing that you need to scroll a LOT.

The 'overview' only showing TWO mail headers on each screen.


Here an example on the same device (with same font etc settings)


[attachment file=15076]


Gmail has some keyboard functionality though, so not completely hopeless on a Pro¹.


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I honestly don't have an issue with this, because to me it looks cleaner. The one on the right is too cramped imo. Best would be a compromise between the two examples you have.Also, you are kinda showing off apples and oranges here, as the one to the left is showing email converstaion (different messages in the same convestation) whilst the other one is the inbox. In the gmail app you can see 4 different conversations simultaneously (so one less than your other example) because of more spacing between the messages - which again, I think makes for a clearer and less "2000's" interface.


Not saying it couldnt be better optimized for landscape, but I am also saying it is not as bad as you make it out to be.


I've been surprised also about the tight array of desktop icons Fxtec has been showing off on the Pro1 so far. So cluttered. Of course it is nice it can be done, but I would never personally do that. I have nova launcher on my phone and I could pretty much make a similar layout with that, but that would just look horrible imho.

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I honestly don’t have an issue with this, because to me it looks cleaner. The one on the right is too cramped imo. Best would be a compromise between the two examples you have.Also, you are kinda showing off apples and oranges here, as the one to the left is showing email converstaion (different messages in the same convestation) whilst the other one is the inbox. In the gmail app you can see 4 different conversations simultaneously (so one less than your other example) because of more spacing between the messages – which again, I think makes for a clearer and less “2000’s” interface.


Not saying it couldnt be better optimized for landscape, but I am also saying it is not as bad as you make it out to be.


I’ve been surprised also about the tight array of desktop icons Fxtec has been showing off on the Pro1 so far. So cluttered. Of course it is nice it can be done, but I would never personally do that. I have nova launcher on my phone and I could pretty much make a similar layout with that, but that would just look horrible imho.


I feel pretty much the opposite, on a phone as big as 6" I like to have dense home screen, lists, etc.

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I feel pretty much the opposite, on a phone as big as 6″ I like to have dense home screen, lists, etc.


I feel sort of the same way. The whole point of a huge phablets beyond one hand operable phones is - to me - to get more information on the surface. Why else sacrifice the one hand operability?


SURE it is nice that a large display can also be used as a more handicap friendly device with a huge font for people with impaired vision, but though pushing 60, I'm not there (yet).


It is not really a showstopper to me if an app looks sort of ugly. I would guess that most others that want a keyboard-device are going for function over aesthetics too anyway.

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I feel pretty much the opposite, on a phone as big as 6″ I like to have dense home screen, lists, etc.

I feel sort of the same way. The whole point of a huge phablets beyond one hand operable phones is – to me – to get more information on the surface. Why else sacrifice the one hand operability?


SURE it is nice that a large display can also be used as a more handicap friendly device with a huge font for people with impaired vision, but though pushing 60, I’m not there (yet).


It is not really a showstopper to me if an app looks sort of ugly. I would guess that most others that want a keyboard-device are going for function over aesthetics too anyway.


Definitely agree for myself. But to sell the phone it has to be a little shiny. So I guess the spacing on the launcher will increase, or hopefully be customizable.

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I feel pretty much the opposite, on a phone as big as 6″ I like to have dense home screen, lists, etc.


I feel sort of the same way. The whole point of a huge phablets beyond one hand operable phones is – to me – to get more information on the surface. Why else sacrifice the one hand operability?


SURE it is nice that a large display can
be used as a more handicap friendly device with a huge font for people with impaired vision, but though pushing 60, I’m not there (yet).


It is not really a showstopper to me if an app looks sort of ugly. I would guess that most others that want a keyboard-device are going for function over aesthetics too anyway.

Definitely agree for myself. But to sell the phone it has to be a little shiny. So I guess the spacing on the launcher will increase, or hopefully be customizable.


I mean, just make it user customizable just like nova launcher and it will be fine for everyone. :D I never said it was a bad thing for EVERYONE that it was so filled with icons. I know some want it, I just can't stand it myself. I want simplicity on my desktop, and I will move to the app drawer then for the rest of the apps


Actually, speaking of customization; if the following things were possible to customize as the end user it would be good


icon grid (i.e. how many icons you will show on the desktop) (albeit I will probably use my Nova Launcher anyway, cause I am so used to it by now)

Screen resolution

Fully manual controls (along side presets) for screen temperature

If it is a higher refreshrate than 60 on this, let users change that if they want to to save some battery.


So many other brands offer some of these manual settings, but I don't think there is anyone who offers customization on all of those.

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Definitely agree for myself. But to sell the phone it has to be a little shiny. So I guess the spacing on the launcher will increase, or hopefully be customizable.


"customizable" is always the best, so each user can have what they prefer. :-)


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Screen resolution


Pie natively offers control over "Display size" and "Font size". I have chosen small display size and large font, to get things denser, but still readable.

If you go the other way round the icon-grid is 3x8 rather than the 4½x10 I got. So already there :)

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Screen resolution

Pie natively offers control over “Display size” and “Font size”. I have chosen small display size and large font, to get things denser, but still readable.


If you go the other way round the icon-grid is 3×8 rather than the 4½x10 I got. So already there :)


Yeah, most flaghships nowadays let you choose resolution. LG; Samsung, Google and OnePlus at least afaik.


I use a grid of 7x5 on my phone. May I ask; how do you get a "4½" icon grid? :P

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Yeah, most flaghships nowadays let you choose resolution. LG; Samsung, Google and OnePlus at least afaik.


I use a grid of 7×5 on my phone. May I ask; how do you get a “4½” icon grid? :P


Many phablets today offers (W)QHD or (W)QFHD, and as this on usual viewing distance is hard to benefit from (see e.g. this to test your own eyes), it makes a lot of sense to offer emulated reduced logical resolution, to ease the works for graphics engines/cpu, and thus save battery power.

On the Pro¹ we start with WFHD, so not that much point in emulating say WHD. But sure technically they could offer it.


Ah, well 4½ icons visible at a time in height in the scrolling directing. ;-p - See e.g. this official tweet from a few days ago..

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I believe I am. It is an awesome device, hardware-wise, but the software still need some ironing out, but it is surprisingly bugfree. But the keyboard driver/app definitely need some work. I plan to compose some sort of mini-review over the next few days, when I find the time for it. also comparing it with some older devices.


I wrote a bit on my first experiences here

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I believe I am. It is an awesome device, hardware-wise, but the software still need some ironing out, but it is surprisingly bugfree. But the keyboard driver/app definitely need some work. I plan to compose some sort of mini-review over the next few days, when I find the time for it. also comparing it with some older devices.

I wrote a bit on my first experiences here


I love it! Very nice pictures and neat animation :). Now I am yet more excited for launch time. If they add nubs on the f and j keys I don't think the shifted layout would take me too long to get used to personally. Looking at it side by side with the other phones this is definitely gonna be the biggest and best keyboard ever on a phone, even on a total new level from what we used to have with n97 and n900 etc :).

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I believe I am. It is an awesome device, hardware-wise, but the software still need some ironing out, but it is surprisingly bugfree. But the keyboard driver/app definitely need some work. I plan to compose some sort of mini-review over the next few days, when I find the time for it. also comparing it with some older devices.

I wrote a bit on my first experiences here


Great read! Good job on the text. I only skimmed through it now, will read it thoroughly later!


I almost started crying seeing the Sony Xperia Pro there! :D Still the perfect size for my not so big hands. That phone with modern hardware,with edgeless screen and 2:1 screen (i.e. have some top and bottom bezels) would be perfect.

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I love it! Very nice pictures and neat animation :). Now I am yet more excited for launch time. If they add nubs on the f and j keys I don’t think the shifted layout would take me too long to get used to personally. Looking at it side by side with the other phones this is definitely gonna be the biggest and best keyboard ever on a phone, even on a total new level from what we used to have with n97 and n900 etc :).


I do too, It is just my specimen that lacks the F and J markers as I understand it. I doubt that they will make much difference though, except for those with fingers fine enough to do real ten-finger typing. Think of thumb-typing like typing with the index fingers only on your pc, here the homing is not really that helpful. But nice that they add it for those that wants it. "Function is key".


Unfortunately the one that inherited my N97Mini did not return it when she upgraded (it was broken)

But would have loved to have these to side by side, to show the huge difference, and yet the legacy,

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Great read! Good job on the text. I only skimmed through it now, will read it thoroughly later!


I almost started crying seeing the Sony Xperia Pro there! :D Still the perfect size for my not so big hands. That phone with modern hardware,with edgeless screen and 2:1 screen (i.e. have some top and bottom bezels) would be perfect.


Thanks. I guess we are at about the same place.

Made this dream some time ago (though I would not mind having the key-quality upgraded like the Pro¹):


ADD: Oh note that this was before I noticed the bug everywhere, the device is really 15.3 not 13.5,mmm

Here with corrected image:


[attachment file=15283]



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I think I’ve got my N97 around somewhere still never had the mini, unfortunately mine has died as well charge port failure but I am sure I kept it.


Will look forward to some images of your Pro¹ with the great grandfather when you get it.

....And hopefully you are less lazy than me, so you clean the old thing up a bit before photos *LOL*

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Great read! Good job on the text. I only skimmed through it now, will read it thoroughly later!


I almost started crying seeing the Sony Xperia Pro there! :D Still the perfect size for my not so big hands. That phone with modern hardware,with edgeless screen and 2:1 screen (i.e. have some top and bottom bezels) would be perfect.

Thanks. I guess we are at about the same place.


Made this dream some time ago (though I would not mind having the key-quality upgraded like the Pro¹):


ADD: Oh note that this was before I noticed the bug everywhere, the device is really 15.3 not 13.5,mmm


Here with corrected image:


Xperia-pro-dk_OPTIMAL_12_Corrected<span class="image-overlay overlay-type-image" style="left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 338px; width: 748px;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span>


I really loved the keys on the Xperia Pro. If you say the Pro1 is even better, then OMG!!!! :D


I would remove the physical buttons, or at least move them a bit.


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I am still using my E7, nevertheless support is gone and everything works pretty slow or doesn´t work at all. Some of websites are not availible any more eventhough I tried several browsers. BUT! the keaboard is key and still love it. So nowadays I am looking forward when our preorders will fullfill and finally one great comparison picture will be done :)

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Great read! Good job on the text. I only skimmed through it now, will read it thoroughly later!


I almost started crying seeing the Sony Xperia Pro there! :D Still the perfect size for my not so big hands. That phone with modern hardware,with edgeless screen and 2:1 screen (i.e. have some top and bottom bezels) would be perfect.

Thanks. I guess we are at about the same place.


Made this dream some time ago (though I would not mind having the key-quality upgraded like the Pro¹):


ADD: Oh note that this was before I noticed the bug everywhere, the device is really 15.3 not 13.5,mmm


Here with corrected image:


Xperia-pro-dk_OPTIMAL_12_Corrected<span class="image-overlay overlay-type-image" style="left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 289px; width: 643px;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span>


At the right is a picture of the illusive xperia neo pro1... :D

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Biiiig thanks for this quite detailed (p)review Eske!


Fine dog of yours there btw… I’ve also got one of them swiss rascals lurking around :)


You are welcome and thanks. Then you know how horrible they are to get right on Photos. *LOL*


Sometime he is playing with a pitch black German Shepherd, and it is simply hopeless to get BOTH right in a photo - despite many attempts, none really good, least bad one where he lies in the shadow and she in the sun a couple of years ago....

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