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Interesting that UK business records are so accessible, lot of information in their I thought might be more private. Looks like it's now fully owned by another UK registered company (Livermorium) instead of being in their 3 names. Which has info dating back to 2014.

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Company information is public knowledge in the UK why shouldn't you be able to access the information I'd find it strange if it's restricted.


I think the company Livermorium was from the original kickstarter for the moto add on project? (someone else prob knows who signed up for it).

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Assembly will be in Shenzhen, China, where 99% of the Smartphones are assembled, including iPhones as far as I know.

wow…it looks like I’ve got an impressive opportunity to get pro1 even before the Fxtec team do…


the next thing is to know which factory…


Lucky you! :)

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