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Pro1 Sale and Issues

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3 minutes ago, silversolver said:

You got F(x)tec 7 new CLACK-stomers? ALL SINS FORGIVEN! 🙂

Also, we'll likely get ours around the same time. I didn't order until November.

Better late than never. I bet they will have a small wave of people ordering as we are showing it around. i have had a few friends interested too.

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1 hour ago, sequestris said:

So I guess this is my official "I'm and Idiot" post.
I talked to a friend of mine who got the Pro1 and he was able to address almost all of my issues.

Talk about Seller's remorse.
I know you all told me, and I have to live with the fact that I had it in hand and didn't give it a chance.

So it's back on the list I go, along with 7 other people I got to sign up for one.

Please forgive me.

Thank you for letting us know at the risk of being laughed with, glad to see you are back on board and I sincerely hope it won't take too long before you receive one again :).

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22 minutes ago, silversolver said:

You got F(x)tec 7 new CLACK-stomers? ALL SINS FORGIVEN! 🙂

Also, we'll likely get ours around the same time. I didn't order until November.

Remains to be seen.
I feel so much better now that I ordered another one. I don't care what the wait its.
Today I went into a T-Mobile store with my husband's okay to get whatever I wanted with no regards to cost.

I left the store almost in tears because nothing would do.
I guess maybe I needed to learn this lesson to know what I really wanted.

And I missed all you guys ❤️

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10 hours ago, sequestris said:

So I guess this is my official "I'm and Idiot" post.
I talked to a friend of mine who got the Pro1 and he was able to address almost all of my issues.

Talk about Seller's remorse.
I know you all told me, and I have to live with the fact that I had it in hand and didn't give it a chance.

So it's back on the list I go, along with 7 other people I got to sign up for one.

Please forgive me.

Glad to hear that 😄 Hope you will get a second chance soon 🙂

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/16/2019 at 4:03 PM, sequestris said:

The bluetooth that had to pair it, remove it, and repair it. Stupidest thing ever.
And the wi-fi calling was a custom T-Mobile push that they turned on the feature - apparently it needs to be done for the phone, not just the number.

I apologize for resurrecting a slightly outdated thread, but wi-fi calling is not working for me, when all indications in this forum suggest it can if I talk to T-Mobile, which I tried, and got nowhere. Do you have any more info on this? Am I missing something? Is there some magic phrase I have to use with the customer service rep? I have a T-Mobile prepaid account, and wi-fi calling worked just fine on my Pixel 2 XL.

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On 12/13/2019 at 3:37 AM, silversolver said:

However, not to make you despair, I have a report of a Clack working on Ting, a T-mobile MVNO, which leads me to believe signal problems with T-mobile are highly area specific. Although I always did call them Trouble Mobile back in the day 😛

In Germany we call them Teledoof (Tele-dumb) or Telekomiker (Tele-comedian). While they probably got the best network,their support sucks big times.

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49 minutes ago, lzb said:

I apologize for resurrecting a slightly outdated thread, but wi-fi calling is not working for me, when all indications in this forum suggest it can if I talk to T-Mobile, which I tried, and got nowhere. Do you have any more info on this? Am I missing something? Is there some magic phrase I have to use with the customer service rep? I have a T-Mobile prepaid account, and wi-fi calling worked just fine on my Pixel 2 XL.

I don't know about the magic phrase. I called T-Mobile and (because I have been a customer since 1998) was transferred to my special support team. I asked them to turn it on and they did. Wish I could help you more.

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8 minutes ago, david said:

That's not good.  What did you ask them and what did they say?

I told them that I moved my SIM card to a new device, and that it was my understanding that they needed to push something from their end to enable wi-fi calling. They gave me the standard spiel that they can't support non-T-Mobile-branded devices, and yada yada. Then they said to make sure that my E911 address is correct, which it is (the address they send emergency services to if you dial 911 and hang up. This needs to be set separately with prepaid accounts because they don't have your address on file). That's about it. They said the phone needs to be able to support it, which I can tell by these forums it can (I even told them that). From the Facebook chat:


Non-T-Mobile devices (BYOD): Some manufacturers claim their devices have T-Mobile Wi-Fi Calling (examples: Moto G6, Nexus 5x, Nexus 6p, Pixel 2). Most of these devices work on Wi-Fi Calling without any problems. However, T-Mobile does not test them for compatibility, so we cannot guarantee service will work. In other words, if it's not working and a non T-Mobile device, we have to set the expectation that you would need a T-Mobile device to get it to work. I understand you saw on forums that it will work but rest assured I've been doing this a long time and we don't have anything that we send to your device other than updating the e911 address


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When I told them there seems to be a disconnect between what I am seeing here and what they're telling me, I got this:


I know you really want to get this WiFi calling working. I completely understand why, too, because I live in a rural area and have to use it in order to stay in touch with my friends and family. I completely understand the frustration as well after seeing on a forum that other people are getting it working. From the bottom of my heart I wish there was a button I could press to make that happen because I would do it for you in an instant. I don't have the ability to speak on behalf of what is or isn't working for people on a forum, but what I can tell you with 100% certainty is that if your e911 address is updated, the only thing you can do at this point to get WiFi calling working is upgrade your device

They then proceeded to try and sell me a device lol

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On 2/3/2020 at 7:54 AM, lzb said:

I apologize for resurrecting a slightly outdated thread, but wi-fi calling is not working for me, when all indications in this forum suggest it can if I talk to T-Mobile, which I tried, and got nowhere. Do you have any more info on this? Am I missing something? Is there some magic phrase I have to use with the customer service rep? I have a T-Mobile prepaid account, and wi-fi calling worked just fine on my Pixel 2 XL.

First, I'd like to apologize for my laziness. I'm just copying and pasting a part of my post from another thread, and I accidently cleared this the first time I was working on it.


I'm on T-Mobile, but if you do try the bait and switch with an activated phone, it could be of use.

The wifi-calling option actually seems to be in the phone app itself. If you tap the dots and go settings > calling accounts > [your sim card name] > wifi calling, you should get options there.

Hope this helps.

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Well then. Color me embarrassed. @SirBaconIII had it exactly right. My previous experience with wi-fi calling had it in the network settings (if you do a search in settings it will actually show up as a result), although I did look around the phone app at one point but I guess I didn't look hard enough (and I didn't dig deep enough here either). Wi-fi calling is now active. Thanks everybody 🙂

(Now if I could get visual voicemail working through the phone app that would be the cherry on top :P)

Edited by lzb
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18 minutes ago, lzb said:

(Now if I could get visual voicemail working through the phone app that would be the cherry on top :P)

That one might prove to be a bit harder. Based on my research (let's be honest, I read through some threads), it seems T-Mobile needs to add a profile on their end for this device. See this thread here.

From what I gathered, after enabling native VVM, it gets an sms from T-Mobile to complete setup. This contains a config file thats device specific. If no config file is found, it responds saying as such and the setup cannot complete.

I doubt they'll do this, but if they copy a Pixel's config file to apply to the Pro1, that would probably be enough to get VVM up and running.

Another solution is to run their VVM app, of course. I personally wouldn't because it's clunky, didn't really work on my old phone, and they want to charge you $4 extra just for voicemail to text functionality (Native VVM does this for free). I've also heard you can do something with google voice, but I haven't looked into that at all yet.

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I use Google Voice as my main number, and I hardly use my T-Mo number so it's not a huge issue. GV supports VVM in the app and on the web. But coming from a Pixel, it kinda sucks to lose the native VVM and spam filtering for my T-Mo number. I do have the T-Mo VVM app, primarily to clear out the spam

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