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As per the title, please give me a date if you've received any communications from F(x)tec, it can be on forum, via email, a delivery, a tweet, facebook, anything

OK that'll do, there's proof of life up to 3rd Feb, so they haven't gone out of business, thanks to everyone who responded

Edited by esme
got what I needed thanks
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8 minutes ago, Hook said:

Also, not to me, but they posted an IGG update on Feb 1st 2022.

I also got the same information as a non-IGG customer (strictly speaking, I'm a non-IGG customer and an IGG customer) on Feb 3rd.

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Last email was 18th November 2021.

I also received an email on 3rd February which was a carbon copy of the IGG 'update'.

Full disclosure - I emailed them to cancel my order within hours the latest IGG post on account that I no longer trust their ability to provide a quality handset with anything reminiscent of decent aftersales or servicing.

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11 hours ago, UKAndyWest said:

I emailed them to cancel my order

As far as I remember, they don't let IGG backers cancel their orders (which I fear is also according to IGG's rules); they say you can sell the item when you get it...

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4 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

As far as I remember, they don't let IGG backers cancel their orders (which I fear is also according to IGG's rules); they say you can sell the item when you get it...

In the "State of Production" thread, UKAndyWest noted that he didn't trust crowdfunding (called it "witchcraft" 😄 ) and had ordered from the FxTec store,

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On 2/5/2022 at 9:49 AM, Rob. S. said:

As far as I remember, they don't let IGG backers cancel their orders (which I fear is also according to IGG's rules); they say you can sell the item when you get it...

As @Hook said, I ordered the phone from their store as a consumer.  It's sad because I want the phone but the incessant delays and horror stories about shoddy customer service were the final straw.

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On 2/6/2022 at 9:08 PM, UKAndyWest said:

As @Hook said, I ordered the phone from their store as a consumer.  It's sad because I want the phone but the incessant delays and horror stories about shoddy customer service were the final straw.

Yeah... In that case, you are entitled to the refund. Did they refund already?

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On 2/8/2022 at 3:14 PM, brunoais said:

...Did they refund already?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, no!

I emailed exactly what their terms dictate they require.  This was by return to a support ticket on 2nd Feb and a fresh email to info@fxtec on 3rd Feb just in case.

I'll send them a reminder in another 7 days before I change my game up.

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I'm still waiting on a refund. The last piece of correspondence that I have from them was from the middle of January, when I'd canceled my original refund request, and that response actually came fairly quickly - within a few days. I submitted a new one earlier this month when they pushed out the half-assed status update (it's not so much the delays that bother me - it's the utter lack of communication, not fulfilling their update obligations, and continuously moving the goalposts), but I still haven't received a reply. For reference, I'm one of the chumps who ordered the original phone directly off of the website in 2020, before they came out with the Indiegogo campaign for the new phone and upgraded all of the old phone purchases, so I've been waiting for almost two years. I've had far more patience than they really deserve, at this point - the phone is already woefully obsolete.


The way that I see it, I'll either be getting a refund, or a phone. I don't doubt that they'll ship; they've followed through, before. Either result is a win for me. Honestly, I really want the phone. I just have absolutely zero faith that it'll be shipped any time soon, or even that they'll continue to support it in any capacity afterwards. What do I do if I need it repaired? Am I just screwed if I don't want to wait over half a year to get the phone back? Will the company still be around? Will they be accepting repairs? If communication and support were better (read: NOT literal radio silence), I'd feel so much more confident, but they've had over two years to work on that and they've done diddly squat about it. They've done nothing to so much as publicly address their communication and support issues, or that they'd be putting in a concerted effort to fix it. Even a simple forum presence would be nice. I'd be willing to work with them instead of getting the purchase refunded, outright, but I don't have my hopes up.

Edited by Jishkah
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I don't know but I can picture what the case could be with Fxtec.

They fullfill a dream of many and make a device. They see the need to make an upgrade. They have just enough money with crowfund to start production, maybe loan included. They are a small team. They try to have support team and same time push the new device maybe to cover the loss which they may have got from the first device, maybe just to be able to pay for workers. And then happens the thing with the chip and COVID. They are in deep ....

I don't know what are the daily jobs of the team, personal life situations or anything. I just think it may be a day to day nightmare. To be able to stay alive and sane you need to make a plan. Maybe the plan has been that the most important thing to be able to make happen is the device. Customer support has to be put on hold or everything collapses. Many will be disappointed, many will feel betrayed, but if the next device won't come out it may be the end of too many things in life.

At the moment Fxtec has lost it's reputation of having customer support. It has also lost reliability with the delivery dates. It has lost many things, but it is still promising to deliver the devices.

I believe after they get devices to be delivered things could change. If they have then money a wise move would be to hire people to support and get all mails answered and all these broken devices fixed or something. I believe it could happen and I believe it should happen, another thing is will it happen.

I hoped to get my device for last March as a birthday present to myself. Didn't happen. Same time when I have waited for my device I have waited to get back 50 Nokia N900 motherboards I sent to one member of this forum for usb fix. It has not happened either. From Fxtec I get updates atleast. From member here they stopped. There must be a reason which I just don't know. With Fxtec I can easily imagine what are the problems. With N900 motherboards I don't have a glue. Still hoping and believing the best.

And while all this waiting I ended up to a work where I might need to go back using iPhone, something I got myself out of many years ago. So when I get my device I may need to sell it to get an iPhone (aaaargh!) and when I get the boards back (still believing) I don't have anymore time to hassle with N900s.

Life situations change. I would not wan't to be or have been in Chen's shoes with all this what has happened in the world and with Fxtec manufacturing problems.

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@Fxtecish Thanks for your compassionate words regarding F(x)tec's situation. Indeed, people tend to forget that what F(x)tec are doing is deemed unreasonable by all of the big phone manufacturers (as it supposedly does not pay off): make a keyboard phone for the few people out there that really want to use their device as the mobile computer it is.

Off-topic: I do not get why you engage in refurbishing N900's in 2022. Do not get me wrong: I own two N900's and love everything about them. But I really think their time is over. Their CPU is too slow and their RAM too small for participating in today's Internet. 3G being shut down around the planet is the final nail in the coffin for me. What future do you see for that device?

Edited by claude0001
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Maemo Leste Os is soon ready to be used as a daily driver. Already now people use it. N900s are still valid linux opensource mini pocket pcs which you can use for lots of different things. And hopefully also as phones.

Who would not love and support The Legend and keep it alive? The best part is the maemo forum and the community.

Sorry off topic. Not gonna continue about N900s on this thread.

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