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LineageOS 22.1 Official Release for Pro1-X (QX1050)

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Official Release: https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/builds

Changelog: https://download.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/changes

First Build: LINEAGE-22.1-20250101-NIGHTLY-PRO1X-SIGNED.ZIP

How-To upgrade v.21 to v.22.1: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/pro1x/upgrade/

Gapps (ARM64!) https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/

Edited by TeZtdevice
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Lineage-22.1-20250101-NIGHTLY-pro1x with December 5th security patch installed smoothly. MindTheGapps15 was installed, and root was applied using Magisk 28,1 flashed as a zip file.  Had to do the usual first time opening the Magisk App to download an update and create it's own modified boot  thing.

I did this using the update instructions for the first time. It worked beautifully, leaving all of my data intact.  You are essentially doing an OTA update, except you have to do the update manually.  The instructions are very clear and it's so nice not to have to rebuild the phone after a major version update.

As always, although a Windows user most of the time, I used a Linux laptop (Manjaro) to do this stuff.

So far, everything is working.  Will advise if I find anything that isn't.

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  • TeZtdevice changed the title to LineageOS 22.1 Official Release for Pro1-X (QX1050)
32 minutes ago, MrPib said:

Thanks, Hook.  Worked perfectly for me.  I used my Raspberry Pi4, as always, for adb.  Windows is too finicky.

The update instructions don't have the Gapps link, so:  https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/  Use the ARM64 version for LOS 22.1.

Actually the link is there but easy to miss... the single word "now" is the link. I'm sure others will miss it so thanks for providing the link here.

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Lineage-22.1-20250106-NIGHTLY-pro1x with December 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained. 

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Just a minor point, but I think 500msec is a bit too long, at least for the likes of the cursor keys and the backspace keys, but still a massive improvement overall.  Only the other day someone mentioned keyboard deterioration over time, and mine has been getting noticeable on certain keys, and this practically cures it.  
Super. 🙂  

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Half a second is a very long time for any real intended double strokes for normal users. it would be a daily nuisance for most users.
It is placed under accessibility for a reason, it is intended for those with some neural issues affecting their finger control.The default is off, so could well have been there before, but I have not noticed it either. Could be new

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3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

It is placed under accessibility for a reason

I see, I hadn't thought of that, or noticed it was under the accessibility section.  I was thinking like an Engineer.  

@Hook @EskeRahn None of us recalls seeing it before though, so still a new feature so it seems.   

3 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

The default is off

On my PrawnX it was active after the LOS22 upgrade.  I noticed the behaviour before I found the setting.  

p.s.  The upgrade went smoothly following the instructions.  

Edited by MonCon
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Lineage-22.1-20250113-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained. 

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Lineage-22.1-20250120-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained. 

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Lineage-22.1-20250127-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained. 

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I just did the January 27 OTA on my first pro1x, and root was NOT maintained. This is the first time I tried an OTA after the manual installation of this version of LOS.

I had followed the normal Magisk install instructions in the app, instead of initially sideloading the patched boot file or whatever deprecated method it was that I had done to initially root the last version of LOS. Now I forget exactly what secret sauce it was, but it was the only thing preserving root with OTA for me in the last version of LOS. I remember Hook rubbished me for it as being unnecessary when I posted about it in the last Official LOS thread, but clearly it was not unnecessary in some cases, like mine.

For updating my second pro1x, not wanting to go through all the Magisk adb jazz again to re-root after OTA, I followed the instructions on a reddit thread, "How to update OTA and keep root!"

Essentially you start the OTA process, but do NOT hit "reboot" when prompted at the end. Instead, start the Magisk app, hit "install", then "install to inactive slot". Then go back to the OTA "reboot?" prompt and go ahead and reboot.

Root will be preserved on reboot.

It worked great on my second pro1x.

I will be doing this for every OTA on these boat anchors in future, as my standard operating procedure to avoid the chance of the tedious Magisk re-root. Pretty easy insurance to avoid root preservation problems in future.


Edited by Name_not_avail
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I doubt I "rubbished" you as that is generally not my style.  All I see in that thread is us kind of agreeing on what works.  Lol.

Basically, what works for me (and I can only vouch for me) is that I side load Magisk as a zip when I first install a full version of LOS, then open the app and let it do the automatic install which takes care of the whole patching the boot sector.  After that, OTA always maintains root.  But as long as you have found a method that works for you, that's great.


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Rubbished may be overstating it, I don't recall exactly. And it sounds like you and I installed Magisk differently. I installed the apk normally on the phone like any other app, then downloaded the boot image corresponding to the current version of LOS, then had the Magisk app patch that boot image, then used a PC with adb to fastboot flash the patched image back to the pro1x. 

If anyone else here did Magisk that way, then to preserve root with OTA updates of LOS, I recommend doing the "interrupted OTA and install to inactive slot" trick that I mentioned above. It saves a bunch of hassle.

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Lineage-22.1-20250203-NIGHTLY-pro1x with January 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained. 

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I suspect, you don't need to go the Magisk App OTA path for every update once you have Magisk in both slots, but I still always to it.

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Lineage-22.1-20250210-NIGHTLY-pro1x with February 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained

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Lineage-22.1-20250217-NIGHTLY-pro1x with February 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained

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Lineage-22.1-20250224-NIGHTLY-pro1x with February 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps15, and root was maintained

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