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  1. Two (other) ways to force an sms to an mms: 1) Use e.g Textra, and select that sms, that would split in more than one SMS, is send as MMS, and make sure the text is more than 160 characters long (or about 80 including at the least one not simple unicode char) 2) add any email as a secondary recipient apart from the real number. (Please note that for some carriers MMS is sent at a higher costs than SMS)
    2 points
  2. You’re right, I had a lot of garbage numbers there that weren’t my phone number! I still can’t send normal texts to individuals (I think you’re bang on the money, there’s something funky with the SMS), but I can now text groups with MMS’s and text individuals by forcing the SMS into a MMS by attaching a random picture. I’m going to continue prodding it, because i’d like to be able to confirm medical appointments via text. Thank you so much! Your original posts with the hashtag-asterisk code were how I got the Pro working the first time, so I appreciate your work, even if they didn’t wo
    2 points
  3. I am not from the US, so I can only forward what US users have reported here: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2133-fxtec-on-verizon/?do=findComment&comment=59026 It seems like some US carriers have started to no longer accept the Pro1 in their networks some time ago. Maybe try to PN the people in the above linked thread for possible solutions.
    2 points
  4. Yes, this always happened in my case. MMS worked. Not SMS.
    1 point
  5. Currently I am runnning a relatively old version of LOS, here the lock icon is above the clock but in the same horizontal position... but my current system is too old for a proper guess where it may has changed. 🙂
    1 point
  6. I believe they said they were addressing the AT&T problem in the IGG comments, but it's so far back, I'm not going hunting for it to see if I remember right. 😉
    1 point
  7. This is indeed the most common break-down with Verizon on the Pro 1. As you'll find from scrolling through the Verizon thread it happened to me twice. There wasn't n identifiable set of steps that cured it the first time. The second time, I just gave up. My Verizon sim is now in a cheap Moto phone and there is a cheap T-Mobile sim in my Pro1. T-mobile may not be good for you, but if it is, I recommend the change. The only thing I can suggest, if you haven't (and I suspect you have) is to repeat the precise steps in this post and see if it restores things. Sorry, I'm not much h
    1 point
  8. As I say, I have no personal experience here. But scrolling up that other thread I linked, one gets the impression that texting is indeed most sensitively affected by whatever changes in authentication that provider (Verizon) have rolled-out over the last year or so. The US marked seems to be quite different from the European one when it comes to vendor lock-in/lock-out. See also this thread for more bad news on the topic. I feel like I can give no better advice than to seek help from other US forum users who have gone through the same troubles. Edit: In fact, if it is true that US c
    1 point
  9. If you are talking about the pre-order on their web site, yes, from the language there, I assume you can. It should ask you sometime during the order before you pay to select which OS you want it to ship with. I don't know this for sure as I haven't pre-ordered from the web site (I backed it way back when on IGG), but I would expect it to be this way,
    1 point
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