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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2022 in Posts

  1. Update FWIW, after running ACC for a few days. This is the best thing I've ever done to my phone (especially considering my current battery is not in top shape so I need to take care of it). The screenshot says it all. ACC does what it says on the tin and is perfect for keeping the battery charged between whatever levels you want, and at whatever current and voltage you want. Currently I've set it to start charging below 75% and stop above 85%, and at 650mA and 3.3V max (instead of 3.4V). Both of these dramatically reduce stress on the battery. As you can see, it is over 3 days since
    3 points
  2. Didn't find this topic which I think is a nice feature on maemo forum. So hello to everyone and happy new year 2022! I am hoping to be a new Pro1X user on february. Hoped I would have got it as a birthday present to myself on last march but didn't happen. I have been hassling with Nokia N900 devices for some years and managed to save 70 pieces of them from three crackheads who were thinking of using them as burner phones! They weren't in good condition (I mean the devices) but I am putting them together to contribute them to Maemo Leste developers. Have been sending working one
    2 points
  3. I sent a message to Chen about this problem of people not getting responses. I hope they can find a solution to this problem.
    2 points
  4. Indeed... Still, I would expect this to work, with ACC being as widely used as it seems to be... My impression is that, with the voltage limit activated, the estimating process is lacking some input it normally would get while charging. Like the fact that the phone even is charging. (When I disable the voltage limit and only keep the current limit, the battery state changes from "Charging (Tapered)" to "Charging (Fast)"...)
    1 point
  5. Remember that the percentage is not an a measurement, but an estimate the phone tries to calculate as an educated guess. And if something (here for good reasons) is messing with the charging system, no big surprise that the estimate system gets a bit confused. See the sketch from this ancient post.
    1 point
  6. I confirm that it works with my phone, too! (It's been a while that I tried and found it to not work, there were a few updates for both LineageOS and ACC in the meantime.) It's does not follow my voltage and current limits exactly, but it generally does what it says it does.
    1 point
  7. Which ROM are you running? I can confirm it works perfectly on LineageOS 11 December 20th release. (everything except "idle mode"). When I installed ACC (which I did via Magisk, but in theory this is not required), it defaulted to something like max charge up to 75%. Once I had the AccA app I could configure min and max charge levels, charge rate, charge voltage to anything - tried several settings and it always operated exactly as set. I did not even have to reboot after installing ACC - after all it does not modify system files, it merely talks to the PMIC via sysfs and/or other APIs. F
    1 point
  8. Yes, a happy new year to all! Or like the toast was in my house last night: "f*ck 2021"! By the way, there is a new product coming from F(x)Tec which I only learned about today through the Vimeo username from which the Pro1X video clips were posted. It's called the Linxdot Helium Hotspot, which seems to be a device that, in starting it up, becomes part of a LoRaWAN (low-power wide area network) based wireless network infrastructure. The owner then is rewarded with "Helium Network Tokens" ($HNT) which is a cryptocurrency, depending on how much coverage the device provides within that netwo
    1 point
  9. Maybe I'm a bit pessimistic by nature, but to me what they describe with "As a worst-case scenario...", to me sounds more like "As a more realistic and less optimistic scenario..." - I can certainly think of way worse scenarios than start of shipping within two months, with the damned Covid and Chinese new year as likely obstacles. But happy new year to everyone, none the less. ๐ŸŽ†
    1 point
  10. For limiting the maximum charge level, I use the Magisk module 'Advanced Charging Controller' (ACC) which also has a corresponding app (AccA). In normal use, I let it stop charging at 75% and start again when the level is down to 70%. ACC also has options to limit charging current and voltage, but these don't work with all phones and it seems they specifically don't work with ours. Neither do we have a 'battery idle mode' which could be prioritsed by ACC (completely bypass the battery when charger is connected and battery does not need charging).
    1 point
  11. Yes, never trust the rated max output on a charger! Especially if it is an 'unknown' brand. I always use a meter to test, and have seen both way below and quite a bit above the rating. As many in here will know, I also recommend charging at no more than 5W for daily charges. I only use fast charge when I really need it, and not for full charges.
    1 point
  12. Yep very good idea simply using a 1A-only port. I am exactly with you here, I don't need fast charge, the phone already lasts all day and 1A or even 0.5A is enough to recharge overnight. I was just lazy and did not do this, and now paid the price. I am a little happy though because I learned a lot, and I am now more certain of the quality and my ability to maintain/repair the phone. The Pro-1X will only be as good or better. Did more digging, and agree the Pro-1X is as compatible as it could possibly be including the battery. So I'll be ordering one on Indiegogo - along with the extra scr
    1 point
  13. I have picked a USB charger which has a 5V 1A-capable port along with a QC 12V compatible second port. I use the former to charge my Pro1 overnight which is well enough for me for daily use and it does not cause any excessive heat of the phone at all. Yes, I think. They wanted to manufacture the very same phone which was not possible, but they still wanted to keep as much of the Pro1 as possible, so there is high chance for the battery remained the same. I am glad you could solve the most urgent problem in your phone. I am agree there are two possibilities of long-term solut
    1 point
  14. Oh... and the ugly: I lost the rubber microphone damper (for the main mic) somewhere on the floor while removing the back cover. Phone calls are still loud and clear, but now markedly more sensitive to slight hand movements or brushing of the phone against the ear etc. while talking ๐Ÿ˜ž Moral of the story: microphone dampers are important - don't lose them!!
    1 point
  15. @SlionSadly all too true in general... However... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ !!! I FIXED IT !!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Disassembly was easy with guide referenced above on github. Actually impressed by how repairable this phone is. Removed battery (cell), did the "prick a hole in the cell to release the gas" trick (don't try this at home - see below). Put it back together and my phone is working just fine after 4 hours' careful work. Will be ordering a new battery from Indiegogo. Obviously, the battery is degraded but phone is working 100%. Yay! * * * The full story... Root cause analysis: I now think it
    1 point
  16. You should really decommission that phone. Open it up, remove the battery, assess the damages and ask fxtec support for spare parts. Use another phone until you can get this fixed one way or another. Order a Pro1X if not already done. Then wait 2 years for it to be delivered ๐Ÿ˜ญ
    1 point
  17. I woke up this morning to find my pro1 has expanded (case come unclipped along front of keyboard). I have not opened the shell to check but almost certainly it must be the battery. Has anyone else had an expanding battery? Is there any source of replacement batteries? Has anyone successfully replaced the battery?
    0 points
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