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  1. I put (a) a magnetic (ferrous) metal rectangle for easy dock/undock from car-mounted magnetic dock, and (b) reflective aluminum (carefully where it does not interrupt the antenna system) to reflect sunlight from 30 deg C plus illumination. Has been super effective. No more issues with phone overheating while in the car! EDIT: I may not have used proper Al sheet, more likely tin which would better explain interaction with antennae.
  2. I am on Vodafone in New Zealand. VF NZ operates 4G LTE FDD on bands 3, 7 and 28. Band 3 works really well, but I can't seem to get band 28 at all (even though Fxtec claims FDD band 28 is supported). My friend's Samsung phone from about 3 years ago is often on band 28 and therefore gets much better coverage in certain areas. I read that it is important to note the specific band plan in use. This is described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia-Pacific_Telecommunity_band_plan_in_the_700_MHz_band The advice is to ensure your phone supports "Band 28 APT" which is a band pl
  3. Darn, well at least I know now, thanks for that! I will ask fxtec for the tool, and maybe can reverse-engineer it enough to make it work. It actually would be nice to be able to control the margins - by default, it is a little overzealous in that if you are holding the phone in your hand it's hard not to accidentally be touching a screen edge, which blocks all other touches from working. So a little bit of margin, but not too much, would be good. Probably not possible to reverse-engineer things enough to achieve that level of control, though, without ridiculous effort. I can't put my
  4. So I just searched the forums as I should have in the first place, and it sounds like only solution is to reflash the entire phone. Which would be a huge hassle to do. Has anyone found a better way? I am on LineageOS 18.1. Can anyone provide the instructions fxtec has allegedly provided to some people? Maybe I can just XXXadbXXX fastboot the special debug OS that has been mentioned, without flashing the phone... Thanks!!
  5. I purchased the panel from the Aliexpress vendor that fxtec support recommended. Installed it a couple of days ago. I removed existing panel with hot air 160 degrees per this guide: https://matland.be/pro1disassembly.pdf I did not use a suction cup but instead a very thin metal wedging tool (similar to razor blade mentioned above). It took a few minutes to remove. The mistakes I made were about installing the new panel. The original panel had a black plastic over the panel's adhesive - so from looking at that, I did not realise that the entire reverse side of the panel as s
  6. Hey guys, Just as a minor update, I've been running ACC / AccA for a while now and it continues to work great. Charging current limit is rock-solid and will definitely prevent fast-charging if you don't want it. As others have noted, tweaking the PMIC settings may mess with the battery "fuel gauge." If you use more extreme settings, the more it may be messed up. Charging current limit is straight-forward and won't mess with the fuel gauge much/at all, as it works by measuring current in and out. One thing that will seriously mess up the fuel gauge is the max charge voltage. I've
  7. Which ROM are you running? I can confirm it works perfectly on LineageOS 11 December 20th release. (everything except "idle mode"). When I installed ACC (which I did via Magisk, but in theory this is not required), it defaulted to something like max charge up to 75%. Once I had the AccA app I could configure min and max charge levels, charge rate, charge voltage to anything - tried several settings and it always operated exactly as set. I did not even have to reboot after installing ACC - after all it does not modify system files, it merely talks to the PMIC via sysfs and/or other APIs. F
  8. Update FWIW, after running ACC for a few days. This is the best thing I've ever done to my phone (especially considering my current battery is not in top shape so I need to take care of it). The screenshot says it all. ACC does what it says on the tin and is perfect for keeping the battery charged between whatever levels you want, and at whatever current and voltage you want. Currently I've set it to start charging below 75% and stop above 85%, and at 650mA and 3.3V max (instead of 3.4V). Both of these dramatically reduce stress on the battery. As you can see, it is over 3 days since
  9. See my edited post - ACC is working really well including charge current and voltage limits. One time only I encountered the "not charging" state, and this corresponded with when my battery nearly self-destructed. Not sure if this was coincidence or if it sensed too high battery temp or what. The charge control on the Pro1 is more advanced than on previous Qualcomm MSM chipsets I've worked with. For one thing, it has the "Max USB current" setting (see in my screenshot further up in thread) and this gets set based on a number of parameters. It is this parameter which gets set by ACC t
  10. Thanks for advice @Rob. S., ACC seems to work really well for what it does. When I tried "test battery idle mode" it just hung saying "this will take a few seconds." After waiting a minute or two I gave up. Is this the same experience you have? Just tested charge rate and voltage limits and both work perfectly. This is with latest stable LineageOS 11. So I don't even need to dig into PMIC settings. ACC is doing everything. Will see how it goes - at one point the ACC daemon died. But as of right now it is working! Which ROM were you testing on when this did not work?
  11. Battery idle mode would be awesome. E.g. in the car, which is already a bad high-temp environment, this would mean you could run the phone with high-current power supply to run navigation apps etc., without touching the battery. I don't think I've ever seen that in a phone. Does ACC have that feature on some devices?
  12. Hmm, interesting, thanks @Rob. S.. Looks like I may need to poke around a bit more... I have dealt a bit with Qualcom PMIC before, but this one may be completely different, who knows! Will report if I find a solution 🙂
  13. Question: just out of curiosity, what is the highest charging current supported by the Pro1, either at 5V or with high-voltage fast charger? Could not see it in the specs.
  14. I just need to find the right way to poke the PMIC to limit charge rate (and charge only up to 80 or 90% for longer life).
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