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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2022 in Posts

  1. All I can say up to now is that the raw GPU performance of the Pro1-X is indeed much lower than the Pro1's. In Super Tux Kart (love that game!) the X reaches somewhat less than half the frame rate, given identical graphics settings (top: Pro1, bottom: Pro1-X): While this is unfortunately quite noticeable in a fast-paced game like that, it of course does not matter much in normal phone use. In many cases the Pro1-X actually feels faster than the Pro1, e.g. when launching apps, as if the disk-IO was faster. However, that may also be related to Android 11 (on the Pro1-X) being bet
    3 points
  2. I have problems also pretty much exactly as you describe them. I am on the T Mobile network also and live pretty close to the Canadian boarder, but don't cross over. As I'm talking to people sometimes one of us or the other will cut out... sometimes both of us at the same time. The duration varies, but can last multiple seconds... long enough the other party gets frustrated and hang up. Sometimes switching to speaker helps, but not always. I've tried changing some preferences on my phone (Wifi enhanced calling, Network preferences (NR/LTE, etc) but nothing seems to really help. I had
    2 points
  3. Two Pro1-X issues, possibly related. First, the built-in microphone gain is extremely low. it makes my spouse completely inaudible during calls and only barely audible using a sound recording app. When we attach a wired headset, the microphone gain is fine. Second, and this one is really weird, when we're making a call using the build-in mic and earpiece, we can hear the other party just fine _until_ we try to say anything, at which point the incoming sound cuts out completely for anywhere from a fraction of a second to multiple seconds. I assume this is some kind of feedback avoidan
    1 point
  4. Did they fix that since? To be fair even on 18.1 there was some major breakage with dual SIM, unless it was just LTE…
    1 point
  5. I want to add some observations about microphone performance here, because I now have experience with the Pro 1x on both sides of the Canada/US border, using a T-Mobile (USA) sim card in the phone. The microphone volume is terribly poor when trying to call through the T-Mobile network in the USA. People can hear me only very, very faintly unless I switch the phone to speakerphone mode, at which point the microphone becomes normal. My voice is so faint that I cannot leave a voicemail for anyone (their system just clicks off), and many people just hear dead air when they answer me.
    1 point
  6. For those on Lineage 18,1 not aware, 19.1 has been released for the Pro1. See:
    1 point
  7. I am having the same issue with my cellular antenna. No one can ever hear me for very long. Calls always drop. even with excellent reception. I have recoreded memos and the microphone on the device works fine. I always have to text instead. which is usually ok. but sometimes I really need to call a business and speak verbally with the representative. I am a backer. I have been waiting and hoping for an update. Since FX tec stated they fix whatever reasons preventeted updates on the Pro 1. However I have yet to see an update for the Pro1 X. Some help please.
    0 points
  8. Does anyone still have a copy of lineage-18.1-20220425-nightly-pro1-signed.zip? Dual SIM support seems to be broken in 19.1, I need to revert to 18.1
    0 points
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