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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2023 in Posts

  1. Dear Community, I wish to announce that the solution in the provided link does indeed work! It solved my accidental lock on my Lineage OS Bootloader for my Pro1X, by clean install everything. I would like to highlight that you may need to DISABLE DRIVER SIGNATURE ENFORCEMENT on your Windows Machine. This was the one headache I had throughout the process... didn't realise I needed to disable driver inforcement. Silly me! Thank you community for your kind support! Cheers!
    4 points
  2. @eorg, thanks, yes indeed it is very tiresome that we have to search for at the least four character words, so no luck looking for NFC, SIM, GSM, LTE, ROM, LOS or similar abbreviations. Not to mention even shorter stuff like 4G. I would have preferred if the search system had somehow white-listed common very short words, likely to be used. (Actually to find the thread I searched for passport, that I knew was mentioned in the text....)
    2 points
  3. thanks for merging and sorry for not finding this post, seems the search on this forum is not very powerfull, since I didn't find this thread. it's sad to hear, that this seems to be a not so easy to fix bug. I just bought an yubikey 5c so I can use it over the usb port. I was actually able to get it to work with two otg adapters, on from usb a to micro, and one from micro to usb c, so the otg bug seems to be fixed or noneexisting in the gsm free version of the stock android. thanks also for the lots of research @EskeRahn I always enjoy reading your answers.
    2 points
  4. Well, I'm back. Everything just started working this morning with the folks on Droidian telegram, still including @matf-kabouik, walking me through steps I thought I had already taken, but maybe in my frustration never all of them in the right sequence. Plus fastboot seems to be behaving again. Whatever, I have Droidian bootable again on my Pro1. I love that we are not just buying phones but also a great community of folks willing to help. Thanks all of you.
    1 point
  5. Thanks MonCon, I've read that whole thread, I think it's partially useful in that it tells me that the Pro1x will never have the same notification light function that I previously had, unless a version of Lineage gives the option, or that "Light Manager" may work by happenstance. Am gonna move over to Lineage soon with the Pro1x anyway so we'll see how that turns out. Thanks folks.
    1 point
  6. Ooooh, the double tap thing may be culpable if my phone is set to "double power button tap = camera". I have had the phone open to clean/replace parts, but the problem existed long before that, been living with it for a while now. I have a USB-C port being repaired that I'm going to put in, I'll clean the button when I do that and get back to ya.
    1 point
  7. I also sent my Pro1 for a screen replacement and got it back last September or so.
    1 point
  8. Have you opened the phone before? Maybe you destroyed the membrane below your power button. I've had this issue and fixed it by covering the button again and glueing it down with simple tape. The power button has very good feedback again and doesn't click twice. In any case you should be able to fix the issue by simple deactivating the gesture as claude mentioned. Long-pressing your camera button will still open the camera (but you have to type in your security code/gesture).
    1 point
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