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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2023 in Posts

  1. i luckily kept my 6%-broken touchscreen (A) from 3y ago which i had at that time replaced with this current one (B) - which just broke a few hours ago... now, inserting that old just partially broken screen (A) seems to work as before, the upper 6% of the screen are non-responsive as before but at least i can use large parts of the screen !!! i may be able to live with that for the time being - while i will be waiting for a new spare part (C). so, in sum, it's not the worst case scenario this way... anyway, i will be waiting patiently to hear back from Fxtec support team !
    2 points
  2. After a long sleep my pro1 has finally revived. That's sad to come back to see that there is no more AICP. Does TDM still come here? maybe he could take a look at it, at least to get it on rails at start?
    1 point
  3. thank you, Hook, for your feedback ! i just dismantled the screen, detached the flex cable, reattached it again, closed the thing - but no change, no touchscreen input ! i wrote now the Fxtec support team and requested a new Pro1 screen - i hope they still have spare parts !!! then i will need it to arrive in the coming 10days or so. i feel i am asking for the impossible...?
    1 point
  4. Yes, that is what happened to me the second time a few weeks before my warranty was up in 2021. I took it in to my local shop and had them put in a AlieExpress screen (on FxTec's advice since they didn't have any screens at the time) and it too wouldn't respond, so it was something deeper than the display or the cable. Sent it in to FxTec but had to wait 6 months for a screen as they were getting Pro1 parts with Pro1x parts. I don't know what they did exactly, but my Pro1 is still going fine more than a year later. I think you may have to send it to them. They have Pro1 screens in stock
    1 point
  5. I find it remarkable how well Fairphone (Netherlands) is doing, though, with their manufacturing also being in China, plus them seemingly even taking care to secure proper salaries and working conditions in that Chinese factory. Perhaps Fxtec could learn a bit from them. (I'd even pay more for a "fair" Pro1/Pro1X than the original ones did cost, by the way, even if it would still just have mid-range specs, just like many people are willing to pay significantly more for a Fairphone than they'd have to pay for a regular phone of similar specs.)
    1 point
  6. Yes, me 😉 – they still hope to ship it (order changed to Pro1X), though, and in the meantime I did receive the Pro1X I ordered a year later...
    1 point
  7. Doubt it, company is near bankrupt, it's even a miracle they were able to go a few years considering the OG Pro1s shipped extremely slowly. (and I believe there are some people who haven't received theirs even now...)
    1 point
  8. and now it hit me too - again, actually a second time : it's not that it cracked but the screen just stopped working, out of the blue ! it doesn't pick up finger taps, just my keyboard inputs. i am going to check now if perhaps a loose cable is responsible for that - otherwise i am a bit lost what to do...i am leaving for a trip to Europe soon and need some sort of a phone, right ? but who knows how long it would take to get one of those new Pro1-X phones ? months, years, never...?
    0 points
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