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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2023 in all areas

  1. Casey, I think that even a "there's sadly no news" kind of update would still have been better than complete silence. I seriously thought F(x)tec had gone belly up. But it's good to hear that!
    5 points
  2. I went to Hong Kong for that specific reason, is to coordinate with the warehouse and shipping partner and make sure our stock arrived safely. I understand your concerns about us being silent for the past months, there just wasn't much to tell everyone. Though, now I'm pretty confident we'll get devices shipped out asap. At the moment, our shipping partner has finished counting the stock and are awaiting our shipping list - which we're compiling as we speak. I estimate devices should start shipping in the next two weeks in batches.
    5 points
  3. Yup I completely understand. I'll make sure we provide updates to everyone even if there's no news.
    4 points
  4. This was more in "behind the scenes" and picking up the data, including the lawsuit in China. If you buy, order and pay for something, you'd never expect the order to not be delivered, don't you think? And even if not fulfilled, you wouldn't expect to not get the money back, don't you think? They knew the SoC was EOL, that's why they ordered the batch with enough time in advance to make sure the stock existed. They are low on cash but they are not broke at this moment. No longer allowed by EU law. Pro¹-X was supposed to be fully delivered by May 2021. 3 months b
    3 points
  5. soo, desolder emmc and read it is possible, BUT...data are encrypted soo files will not be visible as on for example flash drive! Soo better way is repair your mainboard . will be good to test first your mainboard with laboratory power supply. Edit: first test on lab supply...on low voltage for shorts and then normally on 3.7-4V...will it boots - backup data to sd card - dont use pc! Or best will be test it on another fx precharged battery - only if on mobo is no short. If not - will be needed to check power ic and maybe change it...i am not sure but this ic will be same a
    1 point
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