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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in Posts

  1. (lineage-21.0-20240309-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on Feb 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20231025_234300) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
    1 point
  2. Yeah, I fear Hacker's keyboard is more or less abandoned, but it still works... I'll have a look at Unexpected keyboard, looks interesting. I thought by choosing "purple" I had bought the purple glass version of the phone, which I wanted because I didn't like the faux leather looks of the black one. Turned out I didn't get purple glass but purple PU – which is even better, as it doesn't add thickness or weight like the glass one does. It's a silky smooth surface not at all prone to attract dirt. That said, knowing my luck in handling expensive handsets, I'm using the phone with the includ
    1 point
  3. I thought Hacker's keyboard was not being maintained. I found Unexpected keyboard interesting too. Which variant did you get? Purple glass or black PU? I would have liked better black glass but it was not an option sadly. The PU is already rather dirty and not looking so good even though I used a case. I'm busy glueing together my custom smart leather bookcase. Should be ready in the morning.
    1 point
  4. Lineage-21.0-20240309-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 (2024) security patch, installed smoothly* using OTA *Boot time about 3min. (only the first start after update) !! (while the LOS-Update, I stopped all other updates or backups)
    1 point
  5. For what it's worth, the manufacturer says the display is good for 400,000 folding actions... First impressions of the Magic V2 are good. It even replaces the Android tablet I used for some time before it broke. The one feature that makes it an alternative for a slider keyboard phone is that the on-screen keyboard still leaves more than enough screen real estate for whatever app I'm using. I'm trying "Hacker's Keyboard" again right now which used to be what I used when I didn't have a physical keyboard, and while it is quite old-fashioned and restricted in its features compare
    1 point
  6. AT&T are pretty much out of the question. They are now the most aggressive white-listers and they will boot you. As I said before, people have gotten Verizon working, but, yes it has to be a SIM muled in a Verizon phone approved for ViLTE on their network, and then moved to the Pro1x. T-Mobile and their MVNOs are the only ones in the US that just work, Moving to Lineage still gets you the play store, using MineTheGapps 14 (see the begining of this thread). Other security intensive apps, I don't know. Depends on if they detect the unlocked boor-loader state (chances are, your boot
    1 point
  7. For my po1x I got this 2250mah twix deal https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005005043077240.html?sku_id=12000031429438778 short circuited it a few too many times while removing and attaching the boards, and at least once to the phone housing cause I forgot the isolation, but somehow it survived and seems to be working fine. I'm going to torture it with fast charging see how long it lasts for me. Sidenotes: - Bunch of ribbon cables under the battery, I almost destroyed one while prying it off, some real tough glue there. - My bottom speaker always worked intermittently, and especially at
    1 point
  8. Don't blame me if it does not work for you 😁 It's a really good phone though, not perfect, but good enough. However I wish they would run something closer to stock Android. The most annoying thing is probably their very aggressive power management which keeps killing apps. Honor is basically Huawei without the restriction on selling actual Android with Google apps. AFAICT software is very much the same.
    1 point
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