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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/10/2024 in Posts

  1. Think it’s time for me to join the action. I’ve got a Pro1x in daily use since July, stock Android 11. I’m located in Denmark, ’Telia/Telenor’ network if anyone wonders. In the time I’ve had it, I’ve been on vacation driving through both Germany, Austria and eventually Italy. I haven’t had a single connection issue anytime, other than sending MMS from Italy didn’t seem to work. Positives: No network issues No hardware issues No issues calling/receiving calls. Texts also fine. Build quality is decent. Only the buttons on the side are a bit flimpsy. Batter
    6 points
  2. Updated via OTA to 21-20240928-NIGHTLY-pro1 without problem. Camera and flashlight function is back 🙂
    5 points
  3. Another DOA phone that wouldn't charge here. I was relieved to find this forum and that I was not the first to have experienced the problem. And I am happy to confirm that the rubber band hack worked for me also... Phone was still unresponsive after six hours, but the following day (after a total of 18 hours) it sprang to life. DigbyT
    4 points
  4. A special thanks to @CornholioGSM for opening the ticket about the camera issue !
    4 points
  5. The latest build of LineageOS16.0 (for SD835 Pro1), dated 20240924, is available at https://findus.zwergenschaenke.net/~puma/linux.html#lineagepro1 (Kind of) full list of features: Backported security patches up to the September 2024 ASB. Improved keyboard behaviour (backported from later LOS releases) as documented in the local patch tarball. Several more improvements with respect to the upstream LOS 16 tree (GPS fix, touchscreen margin control, ...) as documented in that same patch tarball. Updated graphics driver stack (from LOS21). Update of the bund
    4 points
  6. I have message from Nolen Johnson . CAMERA BUG IS FIXED! ...Report on Gitlab is now closed 🙂 Soo fix will be in this or on next week build. https://gitlab.com/LineageOS/issues/android/-/issues/7410#note_2123296136
    4 points
  7. Lineage-21-20241007-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  8. Latest OTA update installed today (2nd October 2024). CAMERA AND TORCH (FLASHLIGHT) NOW WORKING AGAIN! I've been waiting so long for this 😄
    3 points
  9. Lineage-21-20240930-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  10. Lineage-21-20240923-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  11. Lineage-21-20240916-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
    3 points
  12. The size of the HMD Fusion is actually so huge that full size Pro1 keyboard fits to the area next to the camera bump. Check the illustration below (it is not perfectly scaled but pretty much correct). Also, since the back cover is removable you could theoretically design the whole back cover from scratch with keyboard. But that would be more expensive of course.
    3 points
  13. Forget it. The Pro1-X camera cannot handle such light conditions. The Pro1's is better, but still takes a lot of patience and manual intervention (and a good camera app) with night shooting. The price tag comes from the mech keyboard. Full stop. Other than that they're mid- (Pro1) to low-class (Pro1-X) phones. The position of the spot on you screen is different from all I've seen before, though. Normally they are all in the corners of the display, and hardly visible in normal operation. So forget what I said before: Might be worthwhile contacting F(x)tec for a replacement after al
    3 points
  14. (The variant with frame is sold out.... )
    2 points
  15. No the screens have always been fairly inexpensive and this one is even available with the proper frame (I believe, I have one in the closet but haven't had the need to install it). And you are lucky, as you have the Pro 1. The new screen will have a non-responsive area around the edges. You'll need to reinstall stock Android 9 and that will fix it because one of the updates included that patch that is needed. Unfortunately, that means you will have to wipe everything. At least I think so. You had to with the Elephone U Pro screens, which are the same screen. We still no real solution fo
    2 points
  16. Decided after some time to go back to using my Pro1 as a no-Google phone. So,factory reset and flashed Lineage-21-20241005-NIGHTLY-pro1-signed,zip with September 5th security patch and Magisk27.zip. All installed smoothly via ADB sideload. I tested root with TotalCommander and it was successful (I did have to let Magisk update via it's app after the sideload, but it took care of the boot image dance). Quick and easy.
    2 points
  17. Lineage-21.0-20241005nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 (2024) security patch, installed smoothly using local update (sdcard)
    2 points
  18. (lineage-21.0-20241005-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20231025_234300) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage.
    2 points
  19. (lineage-21.0-20240928-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly (*) using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-14.0.0-arm64-20231025_234300) And we still can only select one keyboard layout, so no easy layout switching, for multilingual usage. Camera works though 😄
    2 points
  20. Wait until you find out I don't use gestures.
    2 points
  21. That turned out well – they decided it was a warranty case and I got it back on Monday, repaired, like new, after about a month. I'm already missing the physical keys again, though. Still, compared to the Titan Slim, the big screen makes a huge difference. Because of that, it's much more than just a phone...
    2 points
  22. The screen flex cable on my Pro1X went bad (and no response from info@fxtec.com about a replacement). I am using the flex cable from my Pro1. The screen works, but the GCam and snapdragon camera apps crash whenever I run it. My assumption is it can't communicate with the selfie camera through the cable for some reason (missing/different wire paths), even though the cable plugs into the ports on each end successfully. I am able to use Open Camera, but there is no way to take a selfie with it. I am guessing it is gracefully failing to communicate with the selfie camera. Open Camera, with t
    2 points
  23. We can't help if you don't disclose what is not working. The how-to on the Lineage wiki is a s complete as it gets. What is the first step that fails in your case? If you are using a Windows PC for flashing, it is likely that you need to install the Google OEM driver to get fastboot to work ...
    2 points
  24. I've had this error too. It did fix itself after like 2 weeks of use. Would imagine it could be battery related. I only slow charge it through my laptop USB-port, never let it go below 10% and avoid charging it to more than 90%. Maybe try 'beeing kind to the battery' could fix your issue too?
    2 points
  25. I don't under stand it either. Main thing is it's working now. I have to assume that putting my SIM in the other phone, reset something, so it worked when I put it back in the Pro1.
    2 points
  26. I just tried the SIM back in the Pro 1, and now SMS works...
    2 points
  27. @Mr.TvolaCZ, as of now, it seems there's still a slight chance to get the device delivered, see their latest update: How a potential time frame will look also depends on whether you backed the phone on Indiegogo or ordered it from their website; the above info is for Indiegogo backers. I was told by them the remaining website orders would ship after those (so there's still a tiny bit of hope I might yet receive my 2019 Pro1 order, changed to Pro1X later, some day, as some devices have actually been shipped over the past few months, and so I've still not completely given up). (I als
    2 points
  28. the context is irrelevant, I would feel the same if this were the only issue You don't understand. If this were "the only issue" (and the company hadn't been on the brink of folding for some time already, I didn't expect any of the 2024 devices to ship anymore at all) no one would scratch their head at your complaining. Context is everything. What you're doing here is like complaining about a unique car with a special door construction (which is the one thing why it was made and why people were buying it) which in itself somehow works and looks good, but comes with half the expe
    2 points
  29. Of course defects are not acceptable... The point is we are talking a company that struggles to even deliver phones to those that have ordered them as well as those that took a IGG perk for one. And for the Pro1X about devices that for some can not even be used as an ordinary phone due to some network stuff (that we still really do not know who affects and who does not) and in THAT context, display issues in the corners should be ranked as "a minor cosmetic blemish". But sure any one affected should feel free to return the phones for a warranty repair/replacement, and for a larger company
    2 points
  30. Allow me to suggest you to launch a new keyboard slider phone, if you know how it should be done, I would certainly be interested in buying... All electronic devices are the result of series of compromises and design decisions, there are no perfect devices. Would I have preferred a slightly lesser flat rectangular screen with protected edges? Sure, but not all would. And with that changed design other things might have followed that I might not have liked. Remember that such a tiny company as FxTec, aren't requesting a display manufacturer to produce exactly what they would find opti
    2 points
  31. Lineage-21-20240909-NIGHTLY-pro1x with September 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained.
    2 points
  32. https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/protobuf/ ?
    1 point
  33. I think my current display is the one which remained intact for the longest time so far... this time I have also glued display's ribbon cable prior replacement and glued the screen to Pro1's frame correctly.
    1 point
  34. Yes, it does. It has pretty endless features. I don't use many of them.
    1 point
  35. I don't either, as can be seen in my screenshots. Always frustrating when I pick up a phone that has those enabled. *grumble*
    1 point
  36. Yes, you can search for apps by name either by typing on the home screen or by hitting home (circle) while on the home screen. I rarely need to because my 90% apps are on my three home screens nicely organized. And, yes, you get the app drawer by pulling on the bottom of the screen.
    1 point
  37. That was my plan -- to start with those that require super user. They are listed in the magisk app and su can be removed from them there. I have about a dozen or so. And none of them are critical for day to day use, so I should be able to test it fairly easily. If that doesn't work, I will find an app to show me running processes/apps, and after a freeze, I will capture what was running (especially those running hidden in the background that I didn't launch). I can try disabling some of those. Of course, it isn't an issue I can reproduce, so it might take some time to track down th
    1 point
  38. I've been using a Raspberry Pi3 for all my Pro1(-X) flashing for years. Its rustic USB turned out to be 100% reliable for adb and fastboot. Plus installing the latter is just an "apt install" away in Raspberry Pi OS. This is in contrast to my (Debian) Linux-PCs that repeatedly had problems with fastboot connections to my Pro1s.
    1 point
  39. ....hmmm soo in next build 😞 Today build have same problem
    1 point
  40. I believe this is the one I was using on my Pro1X: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/camera/camera-8-7-250-494820638-44-release/
    1 point
  41. Academically speaking yes it is... But just imagine that fxtec had pre-installed an app giving more rounded corners (maybe hard-coded). Then you would have never noticed that the display-defect existed - but sure it would still be there in principle. If the Pro1/Pro1X were otherwise close to flawless perfection, I could understand the focus on this. But as there are so many different more serious issues I think the wording of @Rob. S. "it's a minor cosmetic blemish," is quite appropriate for this one. ADD: Being polemic one could say that it is a question of poor QC. IF they had no
    1 point
  42. @claude0001 thanks. I eventually ended up compiling from source then manually flashing via fastboot. Finally in Ubuntu! The documentation / process needs updating. Newer builds. Better device detection. This is not user a friendly process for those unfamilar with the command line.
    1 point
  43. Start with a backup of whatever you have now (in EDL mode, if needed). Try booting your phone into EDL mode then search these forums for more information. I don't know what works and what doesn't. If you can't solve it, make a new topic with your problem and what you tried.
    1 point
  44. Soo yess...my phone have stuck on 10% (battery saver) for more than one hour with youtube playing. Final time on battery was approx 34 hours and 6 hours on display. After second charging my phone charges up to 3138mAh but after few seconds after disconnect chager it shows again 2900mAh. It looks like i can be happy with new cell. Question is for how long. BTW cell looks exactly same as original with contacts on exactly same place.
    1 point
  45. Lineage-21-20240902-NIGHTLY-pro1x with Aug 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. Notice, Monday's date as expected, but didn't actually show up until today, Tuesday. And, woo hoo, I can dismiss the lock screen with the space bar again! :D I'm probably the only one here who cared about that ;-)
    1 point
  46. Lineage-21-20240506-NIGHTLY-pro1x with Apr 5th security patch installed smoothly via OTA. MindTheGapps14, and root was maintained. Done on the road in CO. 😉
    1 point
  47. Smart custom case is now complete after drying overnight. Here are some screenshots next to F(x)tec Pro¹. It's using the same design as this other case with the folding front edge so that it can be used as support when unfolded. Seems to be working just fine so far. However I may make one based on the original Honor case with kick stand and hinge protection. I'll need to up my leather cutting game though. Screenshots are showing an unreleased version of Fulguris with improved foldable support. It is notably enabling rendering around cut-outs and support for specific configurations, inner scree
    1 point
  48. I'm no expert in this, but the persist partition contains important information like imei, and I do not think we as users can recreate it. In principle you could clone the partition from another phone, but as they would share imei they could not co-exists on the net as active phone, so it would require some tool that can recreate the parts that are different between phones. So I will suggest you to contact info@fxtec.com and hear what they will suggest. I fear that you would need to return the phone, for fxtec to do whatever 'magic' needed.
    1 point
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