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Everything posted by Erik

  1. This will improve soon once our new forum platform is up. The current manual moderation requirement, to my knowledge, will no longer be necessary after we migrate this forum to the new one.
  2. Sorry to hear you haven't received a reply to your message. Our Microsoft Exchange email provider likely blocked the message as all queries are answered from our side. We will implement Zendesk before launch to improve this. I believe the subscribe widget doesn't show up any further once closed. You can find an online version of the missed newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/fxtec/heres-the-latest-pro1-news-qwertz-camera-progress. In future, you can also resubscribe at https://fxtec.us19.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=adae1356e734fcdec77e6255f&id=9a393a9003.
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