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Everything posted by raphaelcno

  1. I think f(x)tec should offer you one phone for free, considering the time and effort you have dedicated to this forum ๐Ÿ‘ I'm sure that many users would have lost motivation about the Pro1 project if you were not present here ๐Ÿ™„
  2. Nice to see that the Scandinavian layout is present on the Indiegogo page for the Pro1-X (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control#/). ๐Ÿ˜€ I just see that "$" and "โ‚ฌ" are still swapped on the Scandinavian layout: Is there a particular reason why they are not located the same way as on the QWERTZ layout?
  3. I'm not sure if you will get any official answer here, so you should send an e-mail to [email protected]. I received an answer, but I'm not allowed to share it "without a written consent of the sender" .
  4. Maybe people who ordered QWERTZ keyboard feel it's more important to vote in this thread than people who ordered a QWERTY keyboard. This probably gives an overrepresentation of the QWERTZ group.
  5. Thank you for the clarification. So it means that around 10% (70% / (1+6)) of all pre-orders have been delivered until now.
  6. [...] "This batch is 6x bigger than the previous batches combined." [...] "It will, however, still include 70% of all pre-orders" [...] So it means that around 12% of all pre-orders have been delivered until now, before this big batch ๐Ÿ™„
  7. Based on experience, I would say that "early this week" is almost never Monday ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
  8. I guess the production will stop for a couple of weeks in January because of the Chinese New Year, so it's probably more realistic to target on February for the last pre-orders. The production of regular orders will start after that.
  9. You should buy a cheap phone and wait for the scandic layout. We will be lucky if the scandic layout comes before next summer, as F(x)tec plans to wait until all existing orders have been fullfilled before they work further on the scandic layout. Pre-orders will maybe be fullfilled in February, and then there are all other orders. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2472-any-info-on-qwertz-and-scandi-qwerty/?do=findComment&comment=34026
  10. Yes, that will be the solution if F(x)tec decides not to produce the Scandinavian keyboard. But I hope it will come before next summer ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. It seems like some of the attached pictures in this thread were "lost" when the forum was upgraded. Here are some of the lost pictures: Picture from EskeRahn: .
  12. My personal experience: 1. Frosted/matte color makes dust less visible than transparent color: 2. Anti-slip edges are very useful when you wear gloves in winter โ„๏ธ๐Ÿงค๐Ÿ™‚: https://www.ebay.com/itm/For-Motorola-Moto-Z-Z-Play-Skidproof-Matte-Rubber-Gel-skin-case-cover/182500449057
  13. Yes, good idea. I think the layout is 99% ready, except the two keys with scandinavian characters ร–ร˜ ร„ร†. Can you check my question in the Scandic layout thread?
  14. I repeat my question to F(x)tec, as it was not answered in my previous post: Is it easier to produce keys with standard characters ร–ร˜ and ร„ร† or with combined characters? [attachment file=2019-09-27 - Fxtec - Pro1 Scandinavian keyboard layout Combined ร–ร˜ ร„ร†.png]
  15. Yes, there is too little space to have four characters with the existing size. But you can keep the existing size if you have two white characters and one yellow character: [attachment file=2019-09-27 - Fxtec - Pro1 Scandinavian keyboard layout ร–ร˜ ร„ร†.jpg] One question to Erik from F(x)tec: Is it easier to produce keys with standard characters ร–ร˜ and ร„ร† or with combined characters? [attachment file=2019-09-27 - Fxtec - Pro1 Scandinavian keyboard layout Combined ร–ร˜ ร„ร†.png]
  16. Yes, I understand, but I think what Erik means by his rule is that you can only have two "active" characters per key, one white and one yellow character. Only one character (for instance ร– or ร˜) will be active at a time, depending on the language you choose. Having three white characters and one yellow character on the same key seems more difficult due to available space.
  17. I agree, the ยต is not the most important character, but I was just thinking that it is a standard character on the desktop keyboard, and it already exists on the German QWERTZ Pro1, so it will not be necessary to create this particular key just for the Scandinavian layout. [attachment file=2019-09-26 - Fxtec - Scandinavian keyboard layout - M ยต.jpg]
  18. My preferred solution is 1, then 2, then 3: [attachment file=2019-09-26 - Fxtec - Scandinavian keyboard layout.png]
  19. Yes, this solution would be similar to the desktop keyboard.
  20. That looks very nice! At a later point I would suggest following change for the Norwegian layout based on stock QWERTZ: - Fn++ => ? (maybe you just forgot to write it on the layout)
  21. If your discount coupon has expired, you can send an e-mail to F(x)tec Customer Team, they will reactivate your coupon :-)
  22. I see now that Chen Liangchen from F(x)tec posted this tweet: https://twitter.com/chenliangchen/status/1163524008471605249 [attachment file=2019-08-19 - Twitter - Fxtec Chen Liangchen - Full disassembly of Pro1 with screwdriver.png] [attachment file=2019-08-19 - Twitter - Fxtec Chen Liangchen - ECWq6aKXYAARHnR.jpg]
  23. I hope the notches on G and K keys will be moved to F and J keys for the final production! [attachment file=F(x) - QWERTZ - 2019-07-27 - D_LwNUbVUAAmdmX - RCa.jpg]
  24. Did you vote for the AZERTY keyboard in this thread: https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/poll-what-keyboard-layout-do-you-want/ ?
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