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Everything posted by Benni

  1. I hope this hasn't been asked before, but will the pro be certified for ARCore?
  2. 1. It's all personal opinion. I'm just stating my perspective 2. Flicking the phone just works. (on moto z) 2.1 no need to find the right key 2.2 no need to change your grip to enter a key combo 2.3 upside down / sideways doesn't matter, it just works
  3. @TeZtdevice my question is also about the convenience. Worst case is me writing my own crappy app for the feature.
  4. Hello, I'm currently using a moto-z (hoped for a keyboard mod ...) and one feature I would miss on another device is the ability to shake the phone to enable/disable the flashlight. It is incredibly handy not having to unlock the phone, or turn on the screen just to have light. While there are some apps that try to provide the same feature, they all fall short on either functionality or annoying ads (I would be willing to pay, but could't find a paid app). I think this (small) software change could provide real value to the phone. Thanks, Benjamin
  5. I think it would be best to make it user-configurable, if this is possible.
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