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Everything posted by Benni

  1. 1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.meatcube.edgenull&hl=en_US 2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.davidshewitt.admincontrol 3. I don't have this issue. Maybe contact support / try to figure out if it's an app Most Workarounds are here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit#gid=907103536
  2. That may be fixed with the brightness bug, but feel free to put it in the doc. 🙂
  3. I cut out a groove to about half width of the bottom right holder. From the bottom to about 7mm. Rubber stayed on.
  4. That sounds like an Android bug. You can try https://f-droid.org/de/packages/org.nick.cryptfs.passwdmanager/ to change the encryption password. Update: The app needs root. 😞
  5. There is a backup. The information is printed on your packaging.
  6. I started a doc to organize the bugs. Feel free to help: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit?usp=sharing @EskeRahn Can you please pin the doc somewhere?
  7. Yes, the switched channels are a confirmed bug.
  8. @Waxberry a bar at the bottom of the landscape screen would probably be easier to reach. Are there any plans to change the default keyboard layout to type alpha to allow predictions and sticky keys. See discussion here: https://github.com/anssih/finqwerty/issues/6#issuecomment-578507816 Edit: Can we get a public bugtracker to know that all bugs are properly reported and organized? The known bugs post is getting out of hand.
  9. I know it sounds unhelpful, but did you try a factory reset?
  10. Just watched 20min via VLC and SMB. Seems stable. Seek was also working fine.
  11. No, no such notification. Have you installed all updates and pass safety net? And did you install signal from the playstore?
  12. Another bug: There is no camera application within my work-profile.
  13. I have a small "wobble" in one corner and a slight wiggle in the sim port. Not an issue for me, though.
  14. +1 on the brightness behaving strangely. Additionally: the default keyboard layout should be changed to type alpha to allow predictions and sticky keys. See discussion here: https://github.com/anssih/finqwerty/issues/6#issuecomment-578507816
  15. Thanks. USA has # orig SYM but SYM does not do anything at the moment # so use as back/wakeup for now map key 249 WAKEUP And it's missing in QWERTZ
  16. I unfortunately can't acces the kcm files linked on github: https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/kcm/ I filed a bug report on github.
  17. I have 1.5.3 and it doesn't work on QWERTZ when the screen is turned off.
  18. it also does nothing in a layout from FinQWERTY
  19. I'm using the following holder with a bit of platic removed. https://smile.amazon.de/VANMASS-Handyhalter-Handyhalterung-Saugnapfshalter-Aktualisierte/dp/B07Q5Z42YR
  20. More to add to the wishlist: Flashlight on camera / power button (with added timeout for automatic shutoff) Get certified for Google Camera A switch to disable the charging led Already on the list: disable unlock with fingerprint / with screen off keypress should enable keyboard backlight and screen. fix aptx / bluetooth profiles
  21. Got my tracking number. Scheduled for Germany Friday January 24, 2020.
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