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  1. I appreciate the transparency revealing the bugs before we have even received the phones. Hope you guys figure the issue too.
  2. True, that may be. However he seems to be saying that customs is only starting now (1-2 days). We'll see in any case. I'll expect a long delay between the next "shipping" date and arrival and maybe be pleasantly surprised. ; )
  3. Thanks for sharing. So if they truly shipped on the 29th, it's taking around 10 business days to get to tracking number stage. So if it's the same for the second batch and they ship in mid-November, tracking numbers would probably go out in early December, to hopefully arrive by Christmas. I'm not seeing how further batches could reach by Christmas at this rate though.
  4. Maybe I'm a n00b, but I think I will just stick with the stock Android. I use too many android based apps that I would be sad to lose compatibility with.
  5. If that's true, that means there must have been at least 30,000 orders including some that have been canceled. I feel like maybe that doesn't fully explain the order numbers.
  6. So they are random numbers? Or they are in order of receipt and some numbers are just skipped for some reason?
  7. What is the deal with the order numbers if there are only <3000 orders? My order number is in the thirty thousand range. I'm kind of not trusting I'll have mine anytime soon since I guess I was a later preorder (August)
  8. I ordered pretty late so I shouldn't be surprised. Mine starts with 3 :B Hopefully they're true to their word that all of the preorders will be fulfilled this year
  9. Dang, guess I must not be first batch. Couple more weeks for me then at least probably. Oh well hope some of you guys get your phones soon
  10. I loved my Photon Q! I had two that died. Hopefully the Pro1 will last longer....when it does eventually arrive.
  11. I guess I'm a little disappointed that 'shipping on the 29th' means they are starting to distribute the phones to their warehouses, not shipping to the final destination. I guess I'll have to wait at least a few more weeks to actually receive the phone (assuming I'm in one of the first few batches, which we'll see). Oh well though, hopefully it'll be worth it.
  12. This video says they're shipping the devices starting Oct 29 https://vimeo.com/364339691
  13. This! GBA emulation will be awesome on this thing. I was able to play PSP games on a much older phone too so that will be another option. All on the up and up of course... Also love keyboards for texting and controlling other games
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