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Posts posted by Adrienspawn

  1. On 10/27/2020 at 10:23 AM, FXWolfe said:

    Thank you for the videos.  I've had the phone for several months and still struggle to open it.  I can't even open it, using two hands, without dropping it.  It pains me to say this, but I've honestly given up on using the keyboard (which was the only reason I bought the phone).

    Lmaooooo same here.

    I actually got worse at it over time because I moisturize much better now and my hands are not as rough as they used to be. 

    But hey, it got me excited for a phone enough to upgrade from my Priv which was barely functioning, so there's that.

    I just wish it had a real case. Have been lucky enough so far to place it carefully on clean surfaces, but I would feel much better and more classy with a leather case.

  2. On 10/28/2020 at 5:33 PM, JHutch9923 said:

    So the buiding in question is a high rise apartment building with a mail room that the packages just get dropped into and are picked up by the tenants via a card swipe to get into said mail room. I believe that the approach of fibbing or hiding the negligence of not updating my shipping address would not do much for me.

    Do they have security camera backup, so you could see it being delivered on the date (it's like a 9x9 inch square 3 inches depth) and perhaps who claimed it afterwards?

    • Like 2
  3. On 10/27/2020 at 2:21 PM, VaZso said:

    That is the very same hardware which is expected to ship in March next year.
    It has an improved hardware option but definitively it isn't a 2nd generation, so all issues exists here will exists there, thus, all pending issues should be ironed out also here.

    As of the pending pre-orders, they should be fulfilled before these new orders will be shipped and as timeframe is big, it should very likely happen.
    Also, as far as I read well, they will try to ship them as fast as possible, so it may potentially result in a "constant output" of manufacturing.

    I maintain that it is in poor taste to be upgrading the RAM in newer models by 33% while leaving the screen and microphone issues unfixed.

  4. It made sense as a purchase at the time because we assumed the screen and microphone would be functioning normally.

    They seem to have all shipped with a green tint and the microphone is indeed behaving very strangely, dropping low.

    I can understand the buttons and mechanism being a bit rickety, and the software shipping incomplete, but it's been a year, and they announced the Pro1-X now.

  5. Just to confirm this happens to me as well and is finally starting to annoy me because it draws my attention every single time I turn on the device.

    I figured it was connecting to the 'update servers' or something but it really should not be notifying constantly when it only updates once a season.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah 2mb is really annoying to work within the confines of .. it would make more sense if it was compressed after the fact automatically, while more of less preserving the quality. Otherwise I guess we can share Imgur links.

  7. I wound up being shipped the phone anyways a month after requesting the refund... Using it since I couldn't resist opening the box but really wish they could update the software which should have been finalized first.

    • Like 5
  8. On 5/2/2020 at 11:44 PM, Adrienspawn said:

    Getting restart loops.

    Happened a day or two ago, lasted a few hours and was about to wipe/flash but it stopped.

    Happening again today. 😕

    Did factory reset and that helped for a day or two but now again woke up to the phone caught in a boot loop. 

    Gets about 3 seconds of functional time after booting and then freezes and restarts.




    On 3/2/2020 at 3:44AM, Toby Lerone said:

    Sorry to hark back so far, but I had this last night.

    My pro1 always crashes when I go home. I had both the 2.4G andf 5G wifi hotspots saved, and I guess it saw the 2.4 one first. I removed the 5G one from my saved networks, the phone crashed and then was stuck in an infinate reboot loop until I managed to turn off wifi just after it booted.

    Removing the 2.4G one and re-adding the 5G one - it hasn't crashed since I've done that.

    OK so disabling wifi in that 3 second window managed to keep it from rebooting immediately. Phew. I was also on 2.4ghz band.

    However I still don't understand why it would spontaneously turn off and reboot for no reason after running fine for hours and especially when inactive at night.

    • Sad 1
  9. On 4/4/2020 at 3:10 PM, goodman_j said:

    Hey guys.  Just wanted share the case I printed out for my wife.  She wanted a functional opening case that would protect her phone and won't fly off when it opens.  After many attempts I was able to get it to work. 

    I'm probably going to modify it some more and tweak my print settings to make it a lot nicer and possible do some post print finishing.  

    Look for a second wife? I have very long hair.

    • Haha 9
  10. Yes I recorded a small concert like I often do (hey I like to keep memories lol, only indie shows of music I listen to at  home) and the focus wasn't incredible for starters, although that improved since switching camera app. So visually I have no complaints, but the audio recording has been poor across the board, even with a consistent sound it seems to want to keep switching the sensitivity up and down so that it drops in and out. As if it's trying too hard to tune in to a voice or something and just turning off all noise. And on speakerphone I often get people complaining so I switch to handheld.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, FlyingAntero said:

    Did you mean that Night Sight is slow? The whole idea behind it is to take sevaral shots and combine them to one picture. There are some algorithms that can produce geat pictures in low light. It is the "magic" behind Gcam.


    All photos are slow to be taken especially dim light ones. I have no idea what that option is and have not used Gcam yet, only Snapdragon and OpenCamera.

    David thanks for the link I will try it out.

    Edit: Bless the heavenly fathers. Now I have an actual useable camera. A million thanks.

    • Haha 1
  12. I take back what I said about Open Camera and found it to not be suitable or smoothly functioning at all on my otherwise lean Pro 1.

    Went back to using Snapdragon until I find and install the right Google APK. The main thing in both was how slow it was to take a picture.

    Especially in low light, it would take as much as 4-5 seconds to shine for focus and then flash again for the actual photo. Daylight is OK but not very detailed or crisp.


    edit: Thank you AHunter I will try those as they will be quicker and easier to install than the Gcam APK.

    • Like 1
  13. Did factory reset already and it didn't change, just took a while to reconfigure. 

    Hook/Davis, could you take a picture of how the dragon looks at 10%? It's common to all units afaik.

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