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EvilDNA127 last won the day on February 9 2022

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About EvilDNA127

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  1. Yep, email on Feb 10, 2021 contained the sentence: "This change of chipset means that your order will now be automatically upgraded to the Pro1-X, and will be prioritised ahead of our Pro1-X Indiegogo backers." At this point, who knows what that means.
  2. Ah, so no change for pro 1 upgrade orders. Status remains chopped liver. 🙃
  3. Hmm, I'll have to think on that one. Interesting concept, not sure how well it'd suit my use style.
  4. #53*** March 13, 2020 Later upgraded to the pro1X, still keeping myself distracted with other things.
  5. I'll reserve my excitement as has become standard operating procedure around here, but I'll take any good news I can get.
  6. New Model? There isn't even an old model yet! 🤣 I kid, but yeah, as Hook points out, it seems like no niche products are coming out of China right now.
  7. You're only as old as you feel. 😉
  8. That really doesn't give me any warm fuzzies. Still waiting in my case, I guess I'll wait longer and be less surprised should the wrong one show up.
  9. These guys can't catch a break. Us neither, but we know that already. I think this news calls for a pizza.
  10. Oh well, I feared that at sort of thing when I'd read about China's absolute lockdown policy on covid diagnoses. I suppose I'll just have to sit tight a bit longer.
  11. That is when I ordered too. I hadn't asked what batch I was in due to the "shipping first" email.
  12. Yeah, I was kind of thinking Fxtec dropped the units off at the shipper with no direction on what particular units should go out first, thus causing them to not fulfill their promise of getting the pro 1 replacements out before the igg pledges.
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