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I'm starting this thread to list what I feel are some missing essential features in the stock version of Android.  Not necessarily bugs, but things that are missing that would be great for FxTec to implement.  Feel free to add others if you feel some essential feature is missing.

#1 Sticky Modifiers.  When shift/alt/ctrl/slantarrow is pressed then released, the next keypress should behave as if the modifier is still stuck down.  Ideally the caps led would illuminate when shift is pressed (until next key is pressed).   [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.]

#2 Wake on Keypress.  Meaning if the phone is asleep and keyboard open, and you press a key, it wakes up as if you reached around the back to press the power button. [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.] (Can already do this with Esc key - just discovered by accident)

#3 Allow control of Permitted Orientations.  Allow user to select which of each of the four orientation is permitted when set to auto-rotate.  Right now it allows portrait, landscape, and upside-down landscape, but not upside-down portrait.  I personally want to prevent upside-down landscape while auto-rotation is enabled.  Another user mentioned wanting to allow upside-down portrait.

#4 Backlight on Keypress  Right now the keyboard backlight only turns on when you open slider, then eventually times out and turns off.  I would like it to turn back on when I press a key. 

#5 Navigation Keys PgUp/PgDn/Home/End should be accessed by default with slant arrow+directional arrow.  Additionally, Ins could be added as slant arrow+del key with same modifier.   However this should be done at a higher up level than the keyboard layout (kernel?), as currently slant arrow + P/L only work if no layout is selected and even then not in all apps.


Bonus Features.  Not necessarily essential in my opinion, but nice to have.

Dead Zone Control Allow user to customize each of the four edges.  Ideally two settings for each border - how many pixels to disable completely (no display), and how many to disable touch response.

Backlight TImeout Include a slider setting for keyboard backlight timeout time.


Edited by Craig
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A new feature request. Disable Fingerprint Sensor when Display Off  This would mean you'd have to push power button before using fingerprint sensor.   This could be a toggle in case some peo

I'm starting this thread to list what I feel are some missing essential features in the stock version of Android.  Not necessarily bugs, but things that are missing that would be great for FxTec to im

I would like that as an option too. But let the user choose. It is not an issue if the Pro1 is in a flip case, with the flip on the button side, but it is an issue if used without. For the unit in a

On 1, I too think that would be nice - but as an option so people can choose.

On 2, This would be nice IF limited to before the timeout, if people use screen lock

on 3. I fear this odd behaviour is standard Android. So would be something that should be added. But would be nice. Actually reverse portrait is at least as useful as reverse landscape..

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  On 12/17/2019 at 7:54 PM, EskeRahn said:

on 3. I fear this odd behaviour is standard Android. So would be something that should be added. But would be nice. Actually reverse portrait is at least as useful as reverse landscape..


Even if its not already in AOSP its  a feature I've seen in CM/LOS so can't be too hard to add.


  On 12/17/2019 at 7:54 PM, EskeRahn said:

turning auto-rotate Off.


But that doesn't work for all apps, so until that's fixed, or incase they can't fix it, it would be nice to have the settings available.   Plus, some people want to be able to rotate while keyboard closed, like for looking at photos or something, so would want auto-rotate on for that reason, but like me wouldn't want it to go landscape upside down automatically cuz that confuses you when you try to open keyboard on the wrong side.

Edited by Craig
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  On 12/17/2019 at 7:54 PM, EskeRahn said:

On 2, This would be nice IF limited to before the timeout, if people use screen lock


Why?  I'm not sure what the timeout is, but I want it to work regardless of screen lock settings.   If pin/swipe/pattern is set to be required, still be required, same function as pressing power button, just don't want to have to reach around to the back.

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  On 12/17/2019 at 8:02 PM, Craig said:

But that doesn't work for all apps.  For example discord.  So until that's fixed, or incase they can't fix it, it would be nice to have the control.   Plus, some people want to be able to rotate while keyboard closed, like for looking at photos or something, so would want auto-rotate on for that reason, but like me wouldn't want it to go landscape upside down cuz that confuses you when you try to open keyboard on the wrong side.


I use it with Autoratate OFF. Note here that when you rotate closed you get a small rotation icon in the tray when you click that, it rotates anyway.

There might be apps not supporting it, but it seems standard android, so an app issue.

But OPTIMALLY we would have a third state apart from the current two, Landscape Open & Auto rotate Closed

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  On 12/17/2019 at 8:09 PM, Craig said:

Why?  I'm not sure what the timeout is, but I want it to work regardless of screen lock settings.   If pin/swipe/pattern is set to be required, still be required, same function as pressing power button, just don't want to have to reach around to the back.


Ah, that was what you meant, sure, yes it should. 🙂

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Added #4 Backlight on Keypress  Right now the keyboard backlight only turns on when you open slider, then eventually times out and turns off.  I would like it to turn back on when I press a key.  [Also, include a slider setting for backlight timeout time if convenient, including all the way to zero/disable.]

I also noted that a toggle to disable stickymods should be included, although as I've mentioned in other threads, I really don't see any reason to disable, if you don't use it, it won't affect you.  But agree that disabling such features should be permitted for those who want to.

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One thing I'd like to see, since I do a lot of document/manuscript/large text file editing is to add the equivalents to PgUP, PgDn, Go to top of document, Go to bottom of document.  Seems to me this could be accomplished by using, say, Ctrl or Alt with the up and down arrows.  Already Ctrl-left arrow and CTRL-right arrow can be used to jump a word.  So I'd like to see something like (doesn't have to be these exact combinations:

ALt-right arrow - Jump to end of line

Alt-left arrow - jump to beginning of line

Ctrl-up arrow - Jump to top of file

Ctrl-down arrow - Jump to end of file

Alt-up arrow - PgUp

Alt-down arrow - PgDn


By the way, I admit to being not sure whether this can be implemented at the OS level or whether this would be app dependent.  I know that using a BT keyboard with Android, Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End works.



Edited by Hook
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Yeah I agree Hook, that kinda mapping should be included.  Fortunately this can be accomplished already with apps like Key Mapper (f-droid.)


#5 PgUp/PgDn/Home/End It would be nice if these keys could be accessed by default with modifier (i.e. slant arrow or alt)+directional arrow.  Additionally, Ins could be added on del key with same modifier too, and CTRL+PgUp/PgDn/Home/End could be added as Ctrl+Arrows.

Edited by Craig
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  On 12/17/2019 at 7:25 PM, Craig said:

#2 Wake on Keypress.  Meaning if the phone is asleep and keyboard open, and you press a key, it wakes up as if you reached around the back to press the power button. [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.] (Can already do this with Esc key - just discovered by accident)


Nice @ esc-key !

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  On 12/18/2019 at 1:57 PM, Hook said:

One thing I'd like to see, since I do a lot of document/manuscript/large text file editing is to add the equivalents to PgUP, PgDn, Go to top of document, Go to bottom of document.  Seems to me this could be accomplished by using, say, Ctrl or Alt with the up and down arrows.  Already Ctrl-left arrow and CTRL-right arrow can be used to jump a word.  So I'd like to see something like (doesn't have to be these exact combinations:

ALt-right arrow - Jump to end of line

Alt-left arrow - jump to beginning of line

Ctrl-up arrow - Jump to top of file

Ctrl-down arrow - Jump to end of file

Alt-up arrow - PgUp

Alt-down arrow - PgDn


By the way, I admit to being not sure whether this can be implemented at the OS level or whether this would be app dependent.  I know that using a BT keyboard with Android, Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End works.




You should check out the standard navigation. Something quite similar to what you request is already there

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  On 12/18/2019 at 8:45 PM, EskeRahn said:

You should check out the standard navigation. Something quite similar to what you request is already there


Apparently I must not be familiar with some aspect of standard navigation in Android.  Can you give me examples or point me to what I am missing?  I'm sure I'm being an idiot here, but I don't know how to get what I want with this keyboard.

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I have the exact same question.  Its great if this is already implemented, just like Esc to wake, but if we don't know about it, we think the feature is missing...


let us in on the secret Eske...  what is this standard navigation you speak of... i want to check it out...  i didnt wanna ask earlier cuz I thought maybe I was just an idiot, but now I'm in good company so its okay  😉

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Just as Ctrl+ A, C, V, Z and Y, and simple arrows navigation other seems to be there out of the box in 'any' editor. Like shift with arrows (+combos) for marking text, And jump word or begin/end of line with ctrl/alt and right/left.

Alt up/down, jumps to beginning/end.

Alt tab / Alt+Sh+Tab switch apps

And there could easily be more standard stuff that I'm not aware of.

PgUp/PgDn are intended for dedicated keys, but they could be mapped onto e.g. Fn+up/down

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  On 12/19/2019 at 12:45 AM, EskeRahn said:

Just as Ctrl+ A, C, V, Z and Y, and simple arrows navigation other seems to be there out of the box in 'any' editor. Like shift with arrows (+combos) for marking text, And jump word or begin/end of line with ctrl/alt and right/left.

Alt up/down, jumps to beginning/end.

Alt tab / Alt+Sh+Tab switch apps

And there could easily be more standard stuff that I'm not aware of.

PgUp/PgDn are intended for dedicated keys, but they could be mapped onto e.g. Fn+up/down


Unfortunately, the Alt up/down is inconsistent.  It behaves that way in to the text editor built into Explore (non-rooted version of Root Explorer) but doesn't in the text editor built into X-plore.  However, I am usually using full document editors like Textmaker and jotterpad, and they don't seem to recognize Alt up/down.  A pity.  I'll see if I can get something likr the button remapper app to help with it, but I suspect the problem is at the app level.

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  On 12/19/2019 at 1:40 AM, Hook said:

but I suspect the problem is at the app level.


Or it MIGHT be that app support something else. We really should dig up some 'authoritative' android page with guide lines on how app 'should' behave to various keys/key combos. Otherwise we are guessing what is the individual app doing or not doing something, and what is supposed to happen. It COULD be that when we see alt up/down working, that it is merely the individual app that is doing that themselves for Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End, that we can not do without a physical Home and End......

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Just a long shot, as I don't know if it's possible. I find the curved-edge screen a bit of an issue when handling the phone or opening the slider. Most of the time I find I'm activating shortcuts/widgets by accident. Would it be possible to add the ability to enable a "Dead Zone" around the edge of the screen in the display settings?

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  On 12/19/2019 at 1:09 PM, MickH said:

Just a long shot, as I don't know if it's possible. I find the curved-edge screen a bit of an issue when handling the phone or opening the slider. Most of the time I find I'm activating shortcuts/widgets by accident. Would it be possible to add the ability to enable a "Dead Zone" around the edge of the screen in the display settings?


There are apps doing that, but not working well. So it most likely should be build a little 'deeper'.

I have suggested the same thing since spring... Optional 'dead' zones, the user can choose the optimal size for. Could be all four edges, As a few pixels in the ends, would give a completely rectangular active display, for those that prefer that..

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I can certainly see dead zones as a useful feature.  I tried to do it with overscan setting, but in the end gave up cuz it doesn't work in app apps, for example nova launcher handles it wrong.  

Dead Zone Control Allow user to customize each of the four edges.  Ideally two settings for each border - how many pixels to disable completely (no display), and how many to disable touch response.

Edited by Craig
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