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How to get log for last system crash?

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My Pro1 has habit of spontaneous reboots once or twice a day (running stock), and I'd like take a stab at figuring out what is going on, so I'm trying to figure out if I an get at any logs from prior to the crash.

I've looked for stuff like /proc/last_kmsg and /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops

running 'dmesg' just gives a permission error.

Anyone know what the right method would be? Is it possible without root?

Edited by wilhelmfitzpatrick
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It is known bug on few devices. I got wierd way to replicate it - it always reboots on specific train. Already sent bugreport data to Waxberry.

If it's too annoyingfor you, you can revert to OTA version before SafetyNet(can't remember the exact build, but it was ~8MB), it still reboots, but much less.


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@tdm I was afraid that might be the answer. Thanks for confirming.

@ddark-il here's hoping that it is something that can be fixed in software. I haven't engaged with support yet, because honestly right now, what can they do? Either it's software, in which case an OTA will be needed, or it is hardware, in which case a replacement device will be needed, and neither of those will be happening in the short term.

I did grab some bug reports immediately after a few reboots, I haven't taken the time to look through them yet.

I've not yet figured out a way to "induce" a failure. Usually it happens when the device is in my pocket, so I'll pull it out to see the "enter your pattern to boot up" screen.

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I had 2 random reboots when I was visiting my friends at another city (different location). However, I haven't faced any random reboots when I am staying where I currently live. So I believe that the reason for random reboots could be different network. This might also explain why @ddark-il is facing reboots on specific train. Maybe the network is changing during that train trip?

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2 hours ago, FlyingAntero said:

I had 2 random reboots when I was visiting my friends at another city (different location). However, I haven't faced any random reboots when I am staying where I currently live. So I believe that the reason for random reboots could be different network. This might also explain why @ddark-il is facing reboots on specific train. Maybe the network is changing during that train trip?

Indeed, very interesting. let me tag @Waxberry, to make sure he sees this....

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This is something I've had issues with with various phones over time, from Nokias to Blackberrys, and I always believed it was caused by the networks/cell towers in a specific area.

Despite researching and discussing with the various providers I never did get a clear cut explanation.

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