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No audio from earpiece

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11 hours ago, D1ggs said:

For starters, I would up your call volume to max.

There may have been an update to the phone app via playstore. 

Thanks. I tried with full  max volume for calls but it did not solve it.

The last update of the phone app was in July according to play store.


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Immediately upon phone restart I can hear Whatsapp voice messages through the earpiece, granted I haven't had time to test extensively for actual voice calls. 

Not sure if this is related but whenever I wake the phone from sleep I often see a 'checking for system update' and 'phone updating' notification icons.

Glad I'm not the only one with this problem but...not being able to hear phone calls is kind of a deal breaker for a phone...

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32 minutes ago, DieBruine said:

Have you tried applying some pressure to the earpiece? It's basically a small speaker that sits in the frame. If I recall correctly they work on pressure contact. It could be possible the pins do not bend as well as they should (like a spring action). Applying some pressure could restore the contacts briefly. Then it would be a relatively easy fix. Either contact support and wait for a new screen, or open it up and re-shape those pins.

Worth a try I would think.

Well. Congratulations. It worked. When I pressed, there was a snap noise. Now call volume is working again. This forum and its members are brillant.

Edited by OKSun
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On 8/15/2020 at 7:27 AM, OKSun said:

Well. Congratulations. It worked. When I pressed, there was a snap noise. Now call volume is working again. This forum and its members are brillant.

Doubly confirmed, no snap sound but thankfully still worked.  



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On 5/16/2020 at 6:19 AM, akinwale said:

Maybe related to my last paragragh in this post?


Many thanks akinwale for calling out that paragraph for this problem.

I just had the same problem of not being able to hear a caller's voice for the first time today, and spent 30-40 minutes digging through Android settings, restarting, etc - then a quick search of these forums turned this up.  The loose corner was indeed the cause, and clicking it back into place seems to have resolved it.  Much better than taking all my calls on speaker and annoying the heck out of anybody in the area!

The fragility is a bit disappointing, but at least now I know it's easy to correct.  

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Hello from Italy Pro 1 Community,

I hope you are all healthy and safe. Are you all satisfied with your devices? I hope we are. I have my Pro 1 from February and no any problem until last week.

Then, my earpiece stopped working. I can not use it anymore for anything, no sound from it.

I am on LOS 17.1 and the problem resists to updates too.

There is some check that I could do before thinking to open the device to check the speaker directly?

I am good in technical skills, but I also see that there are not available spare parts except form battery and screen...

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Some have reported similar, and had fixed it by pressing the top half a bit, so it 'snaps back'. Could be the same you experience, see if it looks like it is not equally tight all way round.

Could be some of the screws (under the stickers) that have become loose.

ADD Merged some similar threads together....

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Mine pops out of place on an regular basis.F-ing annoying. I think it happens when I drop it (bumper case) and or when it's in my pocket (pants) which causes some torsion I assume. Whenever the earpeice seems to malfunction, I pop the backplate back. Nowadays I check it on a regular basis, or at least on those seldom occasions that I receive a call.

In my case it's the lower left part of the screen (back) when in landscape mode keyboard out. Press and click.

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7 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

Some have reported similar, and had fixed it by pressing the top half a bit, so it 'snaps back'. Could be the same you experience, see if it looks like it is not equally tight all way round.

Could be some of the screws (under the stickers) that have become loose.

ADD Merged some similar threads together....

Hello EskeRahn,

thank you for the merge. I read the thread and I found that the problem is the lost tension of the upper screws of the display (I tried to add pressure and make a call and I can hear audio), as some other people posted.

Many thanks to all for the knowledge share!

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22 hours ago, DieBruine said:

Mine pops out of place on an regular basis.F-ing annoying.

Same here.  VERY annoying, especially when you find out it isn't working when someone calls you and you answer.  At least when you place a call, if you can't hear it ringing, then you know it is messed up.

For me, it works best for me to open the screen and then pinch along the earpiece side of the screen in several places.

My comment isn't directed only at Fxtec, but phone makers need to remember that they are selling a "phone."  It should work well as a phone first and as a computer second.  In the case of the Pro1, the following issues really detract from using it as a phone:

- No sound from earpiece due to it coming loose inside

- Volume too loud when on a call (using the earpiece)

- Poor cellular reception (low signal strength)

I'm hoping if a Pro2 ever comes out that more testing will be done in the design phase to ensure it works better as a phone, and that our posts about issues with the Pro1 will be used to guide that testing.

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1 hour ago, david said:

It should work well as a phone first and as a computer second. 

As one who has a second phone to be my dedicated phone, when I see a full slide out keyboard, I think pocket computer first.  😉

I do understand the frustration of people who do need one device to be both.  Luckily for me, I only really need a pocket phone when I am away from home and I am at home most of the time still.

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7 hours ago, david said:

Same here.  VERY annoying, especially when you find out it isn't working when someone calls you and you answer.  At least when you place a call, if you can't hear it ringing, then you know it is messed up.

I never had such problem although I use my Pro1 as a daily driver.

So I don't think it is a general problem of design, however, I assume some screws are loose in your case or maybe something is a bit different in the inner construction - I am basically thinking of something like a spacer is not at its original place.
Maybe it is a good idea to check your screws against loosening.

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2 hours ago, VaZso said:

I never had such problem although I use my Pro1 as a daily driver.

So I don't think it is a general problem of design, however, I assume some screws are loose in your case or maybe something is a bit different in the inner construction - I am basically thinking of something like a spacer is not at its original place.
Maybe it is a good idea to check your screws against loosening.

I'm sure most people have not had this issue.  But there are a number of us who have had the issue.  So it isn't a rare thing either.  If/When I replace the screen, I will be looking at how things are connected for the earpiece.

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1 hour ago, david said:

I'm sure most people have not had this issue.  But there are a number of us who have had the issue.  So it isn't a rare thing either.  If/When I replace the screen, I will be looking at how things are connected for the earpiece.

When I have replaced my screen, I forgot to check it along with adding an additional diffuser of RGB LED light.

However, all of my screws holding the display assembly were loose...

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19 hours ago, VaZso said:

However, all of my screws holding the display assembly were loose...

No screws loose that I could find here.  I also can't really see how pressing things together is allowing the speaker to work.  I didn't spend a long time looking at the design, though.  I mean, there are contacts that probably power the speaker, but I'm not sure what would cause them to not make contact.  Maybe the way the plastic pieces fit together can shift and stick in a shifted position and when we are pressing them together, the contacts can again make contact.

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