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Droidian released for Pro1 and Pro1-X

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12 hours ago, mangled said:


Anyone using this as a daily driver on pro1x? Is the camera and GPS working OK? 

The GPS works about as well as it does in Android/Lineage and I find Pure Maps to be a reasonable navigation app as long as you pitch in on OpenStreetMaps. The camera, however, doesn't work out of the box. After installing `pinhole` the camera works but is NOT full-featured. The experience outside of the camera (and broken convergence) is smoother than on my Librem 5, but it's certainly not fully polished.

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On 7/25/2023 at 9:59 PM, steeb said:

The GPS works about as well as it does in Android/Lineage and I find Pure Maps to be a reasonable navigation app as long as you pitch in on OpenStreetMaps. The camera, however, doesn't work out of the box. After installing `pinhole` the camera works but is NOT full-featured. The experience outside of the camera (and broken convergence) is smoother than on my Librem 5, but it's certainly not fully polished.

There's been tweets about megapixel app working with some android devices on post market os. I'm curiouse if it would work on this device.

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