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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2020 in all areas

  1. I'm not the most knowledgeable person here, but I know from experience that the following instructions will return you to factory state with all partitions restored. You will lose all your data. In fact, it won't properly reboot unless you wipe /userdata, but this should save you. You don't have to type all the commands. When you download the zip, there is a flashall batch file that will issue all the commands, but it does not include the commad to erase /userdata so make sure you issue that command first. When done, you will be on the factory stock Android from last October. Th
    2 points
  2. Thought so. You might want to look through this thread. What you will see is that this has happened to several of us on Verizon, myself included (in my case it happened early on, cleared up, and then came back). No one can figure exactly why, so far, but it is most likely not the phone but it's tenuous and unofficial use of Verizon's network. I finally gave up and went to AT&T. Again, I doubt this is an actual bug with the phone.
    1 point
  3. Hey Guys, I didn't get to work on this at all this week. I'm sorry. The good news is that I ordered a batch of PCTPE. This is a flexible rubber like material. I'll see if my design will work with this material and if not I'll have to make a design for it. That being said, I'll have a hard case and a soft case. No guarantees for being able to work on it this week. I have a lot on my plate work wise.
    1 point
  4. You're talking about N-Key rollover, which many desktops don't even support. My advice -- as a fellow musician and fast-typist -- would be to play with the Pro1 in its present state and see what everyday problems you encounter. I haven't had problems with the keyboard since the OTA upgrade in early March. The only typos come from my own mistakes.
    1 point
  5. Short: I am afraid this is not easy to implement without sacrificing something else. Long: As far as I know, there are two designs of virtual SD. a. Virtual SD is on separate partitions. This works more like SD with all its advantages (USB mass storage, separate wipe) and disadvantages (separate space, FAT32). b. Virtual SD is on the same partition as /data. (Technically, it is mounted as a separate FUSE filesystem because of permissions and case sensitivity, but all the content is stored under /data.) This solves some issues of the older design, most notably separate stor
    1 point
  6. ...That update seems to be delayed.... 😜
    1 point
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised. I figured my time on Verizon with the pro1 would be short lived. That’s alright the s20 is looking to be a better fit for me. I shall keep the pro1 in a glass case to tell my grandkids of one day
    0 points
  8. I've got a problem. Today USB port became loose and phone's not charging. I don't remember any serious force applied to port. It looks like soldering wasn't strong enough. What should I do now? Am I able to dismount phone myself? How to do it? Maybe USB port has only to be soldered to PCB, but if not, where to get spare parts? How to use warranty? I really like this phone, even it has some stability issues, but I didn't expect it to break with no obvious reason.
    0 points
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