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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2020 in Posts

  1. Hey all, I know it's been a while but .. well .. pandemic and all. I have been doing my "day job" remotely from home with 4 boys running around doing some sort of "school" for a couple hours of the day and being .. well .. being boys the rest of the day. So it's been a bit of a challenge to manage everything and still run side projects. But I think I've got most everything under control now and I'm going to try to drive this thing to the finish over the next couple of weeks. So, as a (re)starting point, I've synced up my Lineage tree and rebuilt from where I left off to make tes
    10 points
  2. I have access to the stock code and I could do some builds with bug fixes. But I don't see the point. The biggest (only IMO) reason to run stock is for the locked boot loader and play store certification (aka safety net). IdeaLTE does not share the keys to sign builds, so my builds cannot run locked. And, if you really want safety net to pass in Lineage, there are ways to make that happen.
    3 points
  3. Hey all, sorry for missing out on the last few weeks of posts. If anyone is still bricked and needs help, please let me know.
    3 points
  4. The issue is that data is encrypted. When we get a TWRP with decrypt support, wiping all except media will be possible.
    2 points
  5. Thank you, I wrote you a message. Now I am going back to sleep as it is too early in the morning here. 🙂
    2 points
  6. Indeed... Me, I never wanted to use a no-keyboard smartphone, and I never did, until I bought the Moto Z in early 2018 which wasn't even supposed to be one, as the first few pre-production samples of the Moto Keyboard Mod to clip onto it were just being shipped to customers. It was unfortunate for all involved that those samples remained the only ones. The promise of a future phone from the same people, instead of just a keyboard attachment, was my only hope to get another keyboard phone again anytime soon. Some fifteen months later, about a year ago, I grudgingly bought my first sm
    1 point
  7. Following up on @VaZso and his friend's device... we looked at a USB packet capture and determined that everything was fine until the programmer tool sent a request to write to UFS, and the device never responded. I have never seen this issue before on any device. My theory is that UFS is bad and the device needs to be returned for service.
    1 point
  8. That is great (well, great for reproducing the issue). Can you connect the device to a PC and run "adb shell cat /dev/kmsg" and then cause the issue to happen? Hopefully the device will show a kernel panic message before it resets.
    1 point
  9. I have not experienced such reboots for a while because I have not really traveled on the same road in the last couple of weeks because of Corona thing... ...it may be another bug or not directly related (WiFi was turned on but not connected, so it may still cause problem), but a relation with weak signal (near tunnels) and network switching is suspicious.
    1 point
  10. I see both pros and cons on both Full and Alpha, so if reasonably simple it would be nice to give the user the option to choose what each of us prefer.
    1 point
  11. I replied to the issue on github. The timing issue is probably not fixable. But I can look into an option to disable the popup. Or, more specifically, treat the keyboard as full instead of alpha.
    1 point
  12. I've discovered a workaround of sorts. For whatever reason, pairing the devices (both my car audio and my headphones), allowing them to fail to connect, then turning off contact sharing in the "previously connected devices" list on the Pro1 makes them connect successfully most of the time. On the occasions when they don't connect, restarting the phone seems to sort it out. It's still not 100% reliable, but I can at least use them now.
    1 point
  13. They have another issue: They're totally dependent on IdeaLTE to actually build the OS for them. They certainly can tell them what to integrate (as happened with netman's keyboard driver), but they might not even have the entire source code of the stock OS image themselves. I don't know their contracts or conditions, but if I were them, I'd put some effort in moving the build environment and required keys to sign the stuff to myself if possible. I doubt this is without hurdles in practice, however. Also, still pending Google certification for the updated security patch level. They proba
    1 point
  14. She actually sold it then decided to buy another one 😂 Edit: Did you apply all the updates?
    1 point
  15. My camera and flashlight stopped working as well while I was on Lineage. I reflashed both lineage and stock, but it made no difference. I wasn't brave enough to try to open the device though 😄 I've contacted support about having it repaired.
    0 points
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