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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2020 in Posts

  1. For those on OSX or Linux who can't open the file: First install homebrew: https://brew.sh/ Once it's installed, open a terminal and type in "brew install libpng" When it finishes, type in "brew install jpeg" Then you should be able to run the factory restore utility.
    2 points
  2. Maybe it's the same issue but I get weird crackling sounds strictly in games... Music players and youtube are flawless. So I don't really get it. An official fix would be nice. Headphone also works, this just happens with the phone speakers. Edit: Nevermind, headphones do crackle too in games actually. Soo weird.
    1 point
  3. F(x)tec is definitely making it hard to use them as a good alternative on this point, but aren't you very likely to suffer from a lack of updates for Blackberry software since the company has closed? At least with the Pro1, the community is able to pick up the slack. I don't think you'll have that option on a Blackberry device.
    1 point
  4. That is great (well, great for reproducing the issue). Can you connect the device to a PC and run "adb shell cat /dev/kmsg" and then cause the issue to happen? Hopefully the device will show a kernel panic message before it resets.
    1 point
  5. Hey all, I know it's been a while but .. well .. pandemic and all. I have been doing my "day job" remotely from home with 4 boys running around doing some sort of "school" for a couple hours of the day and being .. well .. being boys the rest of the day. So it's been a bit of a challenge to manage everything and still run side projects. But I think I've got most everything under control now and I'm going to try to drive this thing to the finish over the next couple of weeks. So, as a (re)starting point, I've synced up my Lineage tree and rebuilt from where I left off to make tes
    1 point
  6. Take a look at Finqwerty for example. You may modify it (as I did for my own) to have a custom layout or simply edit one of the KCMs and use the name of that specific layout as your custom one. That program does not run constantly but registers these layouts to be available in system. So basically it works the same way as any other layouts, no need of any special programs - I mean it is the same as if F(x)tec would put this file to the filesystem and tell the system that its name is Tsunero's custom keyboard.
    1 point
  7. Hi, Just wondered if anyone has found an update/or easy install patch to fix the audio issues??? With the situation we are in, the inability to hear during a conference call is a problem that has me looking to get another phone 😢 Any easy fix steps welcome Thanks
    1 point
  8. Ive set up a user oriented Telegram group for sailfishos on the pro1. https://t.me/sfos_user_pro1 Hopefully its a useful forum to discuss issues and interact quickly with the devs.
    1 point
  9. You most likely have a full fingerprint set in /persist. Delete everything under /persist/data/fingerprint and reboot. That should fix it.
    1 point
  10. So I decided to test the fingerprint sensor. I've had it disabled since the middle of December cuz it wasn't working well, but with fixes in place, felt like the time to test again. I spent my time recording three fingerprints, imagining all the digits I might use to unlock it. Locked, then tried, none would work. Okay, let's reboot, maybe it needs that. Nope, now it doesn't have my fingerprints saved anymore. Try again with just one fingerprint. Same deal; doesn't work, reboot it disappears.
    1 point
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