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  1. Oh, dear... I had multiple broken screens myself until I modified a case... this worked so good that the screen never broke again, even though I regularly throw it on the ground. I don't have a screen protector. This is the case I use: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07BQQ8JCC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 You only need to cut out the credit card storage case that's inside the case (then it has the perfect size for the thickness of the phone) and cut a few holes in the silicone so you can access all ports.
    3 points
  2. I'm sure I'm about to hex myself by posting this but, no case, no screen protector, no broken screen (though it was replaced by FxTec in January for Ghost Touches). In use since December 2019. For me, the true lifesaver is the textured Dbrand matte black skin on the back. Best shatter protection is having enough grain on the back to prevent it from sliding easily either out of your hand or off a surface. That, and not being in a blazing hurry when handling it. 😉 I do have 2 AlieExpress replacements waiting in the closet for the day when you all get to point your fingers and laugh
    2 points
  3. Indeed, a flip case is the least bad available, and I have used similar too for over two years. But it is not to everyone's liking. See this (long) thread for various options.
    1 point
  4. Re-did the screen tape tonight. I used some really thin tape I have for RC stuff instead of the included tape. The other thing I did different was to use just a dab of Shoo Goo in the 4 corners and tape in the middle not just the edges. The screen is much better fixed in place and I think the shoe goo will hold when temps get really hot. I suppose RTV silicon would work just as well.
    1 point
  5. It is certainly not an easy road for a small company being swindled like they were. I'm amazed they got the stamina to push on, and did not just close their business. And indeed if they are so unlucky as to be flooded with warranty requests it might be very hard for them to fulfil what they legally are obliged to. So a big thumbs up from me for their will to fight, And fingers crossed on the road ahead being more smooth,
    1 point
  6. Maybe it depends on the city, I am in Boston and the device has been fine. When I spoke to AT&T about it they just said as long as it supports 4G they will not take any action to shut the device down. One little trick i found was switching cellular off and then resetting it from the SIM info and then reenabe cellular. Then my connection worked. Maybe that helps. Also I am AT&T contract post-paid account.
    1 point
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