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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2021 in Posts

  1. I have also connected a 3.5mm headset which has both speakers and microphone. Anyway, I also have this clicking noise, so that is also not perfect. I don't know where this problem comes from and what does noise filtering under Android. I would think it should not be placed in low-level driver but it may happen it is a 3rd-party thing... however, it is very annoying. Practically the inability to record a video as one would expect from any phones is a really big fault from day 1.
    2 points
  2. Right, recording music has a result of really bad sound and also I have experienced the same using basically any casual video recordings - sound is practically unusable, the worst I have ever heard on any phones for sound recording. πŸ˜„ I have also tried it and although selecting "unprocessed input" worked for me using my Moto G6 phone, it seemed worth nothing on my Pro1. Anyway, currently OpenCamera can't even record any videos even on SDCard or local storage, always an empty video file is created. I don't know if it has something to do with Android 11 or I have something
    2 points
  3. The Pro1 seems to do quite aggressive background suppression when recording from the built-in ADCs, no matter what specific audio source is selected. For normal voice recording, this actually works quite well for me. But I do believe this is what prevents you guys from recording music with the built-in mics: Depending on the tone and loudness of a particular part of the track, the filter takes the music for background noise and suppresses it. In fact, I think I can produce these artifacts even when I try to record myself singing (though normal speech works well). And, no, I will not uploa
    2 points
  4. I have disassembled my Pro1 once to open its base but it is a bit harder than removing some screws. The easiest part is to open up the display then remove it. Reapplying the hinge is a bit tricky but not necessary to remove it for opening the bottom part. However, the bottom part isn't glued together but additionally of its screws, also there are some plastic nails. The case seems to be sturdy also without screws and to not insure its material, some attention and proper (slim but not too hard) tools are needed.
    2 points
  5. Me too... Paid in Feb 2020 and now upgraded to Pro1X. Still hoping and waiting for delivery in December 2021. πŸ™„
    2 points
  6. While the design isn't for the battery to be immediately user-replaceable like the Nokia, the replacement still seems to be relatively easy because it's not supposed to be much more than removing a few screws. That said, a bigger problem might become to actually get a new battery. F(x)tec doesn't seem to be able to ship any at this time; the ones they're offering through Indiegogo (I ordered one in November 2020) have been officially delayed until October, and we have yet to see whether this works out. While, in contrast to the display which is easy to get because it's identical to the one in
    2 points
  7. Right, it is much better than having to use a heat gun to remove the whole display together with the risk of breaking it. So Pro1 can be disassembled in a proper way as opposite to other phones just glued together... however, I would not call it an easy replacement but definitively it is a proper assembling.
    1 point
  8. Oh, I didn't want to suggest something different, either πŸ™‚
    1 point
  9. Yesterday I have checked it before I wrote here using the same software (FiLMiC Pro) and it has the very same problem. You may not notice it when you simply try to record your speech, but yesterday I have turned on a pocket radio (which has decent sound quality) and it has produced the very same ugly sound filtering. So, unfortunately it does not help. I have also tried to record the same radio station (music) using a sound recorder which I thought it can record well and it had the very same problem. I hate Android translates also application names (not speaking about the hidden
    1 point
  10. Nope. I underestimated OSMAnd~ (again). πŸ˜„ One can indeed activate "Snap to Road", however that is active only during turn-by-turn navigation. Not when just recording or monitoring your position while you move around freely.
    1 point
  11. True. But I regularly record GPX tracks of my hiking or biking tours with OSMAnd~, and they are always "noisy" and little "off" the road, so I believe it does not do such things.
    1 point
  12. Note that some navigation apps tend to be smart, so if you move at some speed along a road it will snap you to the side of the road it expect you are. (so this could muddle things further)
    1 point
  13. There's one workaround: Record video and then extract the sound. The sound in video is probably as good as it gets with the built-in microphone, and no obvious noise filtering, compression or any such thing is going on there. (Just tried it with the FiLMiC Pro app that also gives you a a bit of control over audio quality and the recording level.) EDIT: No, it doesn't really work, see below... πŸ™
    1 point
  14. Just for the record, for me, the Pro1 seems to have no significantly worse GPS precision or ability to get a GPS fix compared to the phones I was using before (Motorola Moto Z, Moto Z3 Play). That said, a Moto G6 I have acquired lately (just to find out that here in Europe it didn't and won't even get the update to Android 9 that it got in the US, so it will be stuck on Android 8) actually does seem noticeably better. Outside of my house, the Pro1 varies between 4m and 9m accuracy, the Moto Z3 Play between 3m and 9m, while the Moto G6 quickly arrives at 3m and stays there, using the tool @Eske
    1 point
  15. Also a similar 'day 1' bug which also exists under stock ad LineageOS is the wrong speaker is selected in hands free mode, so the speaker close to the microphone (only a few centimetres away) produces sound which makes the whole thing (hands free mode) even worse.
    1 point
  16. Indeed, and it sounds similar to what you get using it for calls hands free. If you talk loud and clear as you would at a (physical) meeting, it works fine. But if you talk in a normal voice, the other end complains that they can not hear what you are saying.... It has -unfortunatly- been a known issue since 'day 1' on stock, and I have long given up hoping for a fix and use it with a headset, as I seldom do voice calls. I fear this 'filter' is deep down, either hardware or software in the driver, as I assume they would have fixed it quickly if it was in software they could ac
    1 point
  17. Sound recording quality is a shame. It was the same for me under stock and also under LineageOS. I thought I have found a sound recorder application which is much better and it is for speech recording but now I have turned on a radio and it has also produced the very same, crappy sound as in your message. Edit: It sounds like an aggressive noise filter which should not be applied on standard recordings.
    1 point
  18. I got one too. Have not found the time to make a review of it. I'm not a fan of keyboards in the wrong direction, with REALLY few keys though - but to each their own. Though (almost) any real keyboard phone is worth supporting, as it is still better than touch only. But I must accept that I'm simply too old to use a device with that size of screen, despite it being more pocketable, for other than occasional usage. I really struggle with the small print. And yes yes not illustrated by the picture below, that was just a quick one for the content. The hardware feels sturdy and g
    1 point
  19. SD-cards are still working in Android 11. The difference is that apps are forced to use Scoped Storage exclusively. From November 2021, targeting Android 10 to circumvent the Scoped Storage API will be forbidden. This means that direct file access is impossible. Every file access has to be routed through Scoped Storage. The point is to prevent apps from accessing data on the SD-card they are not supposed to access. And it is supposed to reduce clutter. So, instead of using an appropriate file system for SD-cards (like F2FS or ext4 without journaling), Google introduced a high level "file
    1 point
  20. Bummer, you're right. I was actually recording music coming from my living room stereo, but I must have been playing it louder when I recorded with FiLMiC. Tried again now with lower volume and it indeed becomes just as bad as with the recorder app. πŸ™
    0 points
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