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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2021 in all areas

  1. I've put together a guide from knowledge I gathered over the last couple of weeks as I eventually got around trying Lineage OS on my F(x)tec Pro¹: https://slions.net/threads/lineage-os-for-f-x-tec-pro1.90/ It takes you through the installation process from Windows setup to Magisk root and SafetyNet validation to working around prominent issues. It will also take you through the build process from Windows environment setup to development and code contribution. Also taking this opportunity to mention how awesome it is to be able to update, use and customize almost every aspect o
    1 point
  2. Had it reprinted in TPU and it fits fine. Thanks for the help everyone and ubuntuscofield for the design and 3dpeople for printing it.
    1 point
  3. There were people waiting for Pro1 general availability... they are still waiting. I think pre-ordrer is all we will get. But who knows maybe F(x)tec is making plans to pump out larger volumes.
    1 point
  4. Too bad, I can't wait that long, didn't know the final prototype wasn't revealed yet. Do you think I'll be able to buy it later or the pre order are the only time to get it ? Thanks for your replies !
    1 point
  5. Indeed. It gets even weirder when not only a rooted, up-to-date LineageOS, but even an unrooted, up-to-date LineageOS with the latest security fixes is seen as a security issue by many banking apps, while an ancient Android 7 phone that never received any fixes is deemed secure enough for those apps to not complain... Don't get me started on this 😉
    1 point
  6. That sounds good. I wonder why there is no "light" version of Magisk as spritual successor of AddonSU. I really do not need all of that advanced stuff related to "hiding" the fact that I am rooted. Know what: I am proud of running a rooted device! I hate all that FUD spread by Apple and Google around rooted phones (despite them knowing better, of course). Guess what: I have root access to my desktop PC, my laptops and my (Internet exposed) home server. Of course that does not mean that *all* software on them runs with root privileges! And, yes, of course, my bank allows me to make transac
    1 point
  7. Things already used to seem bad enough when Erik was still responding and setting things in motion for people who had come here with their problems. It did already give the impression of support being virtually nonexistent, except for the few people who find this forum and then try to catch attention here. I suppose even an Erik will be on holiday for some time. My own experience communicating with Fxtec has been something like fifty/fifty, with one thread in which I received sensible responses, although not quite the result I would have liked (which would have been the fulfilment o
    0 points
  8. I wonder what's wrong with @Erik. He hasn't posted since April, even though he has been online. I also sent them an e-mail on the 6th of August and still didn't get an answer. What's going on with them?!?! Is Zendesk broken? Are they in a mess?!?!
    0 points
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