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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2021 in Posts

  1. I just sent the following email to FxTec:
    2 points
  2. Same here, I send an email pointing your layout, it's definitely perfect IMO. Good work. I hope they will do it and not underestimate the French market.
    1 point
  3. Done with stitching. I love the leather quality, really soft, one of the best I've seen. I need to finish the cutouts on the bumper case and glue it to the leather. Will hopefully get around it tomorrow. The case is 75g that's 25g lighter than the one I've been using so far. Moreover I reckon its lower profile will be more confortable to use, notably when the keyboard is open. The closing latch is on the front panel which is a rarely seen design. As a result when closed it won't lay flat on it's back which should make the phone easier to pick up, not that this was ever a problem considering th
    1 point
  4. Just linking to that other thread where I highlight just few of the flaws of the Pro1X AZERTY layout as published by FxTec in their last update: The fact is that classic AZERTY is a really poor layout to start with but it's even more crippled when you can't print three characters per key. New AZERTY layout is vastly superior.
    1 point
  5. In case you replaced yourself: most spare parts now seem to require a firmware update for the touch function to work correctly. See this thread and the possible solutions discussed therein.
    1 point
  6. @Slion you are absolutely right, this layout sucks ! I fully approve your layout proposal, I didn't know there was a new azerty layout, yes it's much better (...not difficult) Having é à ç and è is nice, but without @ and # (and also | ) I can't imagine using this phone ! This mean I should modify my Pro1X's pre-order for a qwerty, but I hope until the hardware come we will find a solution, If I understand correctly it's possible to modify a little here. Thanks pointing this, it's really a shame.... 64 touch and a layout who sucks...
    1 point
  7. Did you or Fxtec do the repair? If you did the repair, was it Fxtec's replacement kit or the naked display from another, probably Chinese source? Anyway, I fear that sounds like either the replacement screen is somehow defective, or maybe something went wrong during the replacement, like a connector not properly connected or maybe even a wire damaged...
    1 point
  8. ...and going back to my BlackBerry Priv. It's been an interesting year and a bit with the Pro 1, but I don't think it's working out. Software is just... I don't know, unfinished. It's more than a year, some glaring bugs are still there, apt-X, taking two tries for the launcher to minimize properly, inability to press Shift + Num for the corresponding symbol, you name it. My Priv is still on Android 6, but at least BlackBerry had the decency to keep it updated (close to) monthly and most bugs were ironed out before they pulled the plug. I know inevitably someone will tell me install Linea
    0 points
  9. After replacing the cracked screen, the displa's touch function is not working at all (even after repeated re-booting). Is there a solution to this bug?
    0 points
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