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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2022 in Posts

  1. Yes, you can superglue the "Z" key back on the keyboard. But please be careful when you do so, you must not glue the sides of the key as you won't be able to press it... Please check the image I've attached, drip a small drop of superglue on the tiny circle on the keyboard (marked red), and place the key back on. Good luck 😄
    5 points
  2. We have spare Pro1 screen in our UK office which we can ship to you directly. But I can't promise this will fix your issue as we don't know the root cause of this. If you'd like, you can submit a ticket to [email protected] and we can initiate a return/repair process to have a look?
    3 points
  3. Did that already over the weekend and it worked (not with super glue, but another strong glue)! So far no problems! The tiny glue stain that I previously noticed was slightly to the upper-right from the tiny circle, which may explain why the key fell off in the first place. Thanks for confirming that I did the right thing, @Casey. By the way, do you happen to have answers to any of my questions about the keyboard software that I asked at the top of this thread? Or feedback on the speaker issues that I raised in the same post?
    2 points
  4. Yeah, much as I loved AICP, I'm just not going to trust and depend on it for those very reasons. Having only 1 pro1, I'm staying with Lineage 19 as my daily driver. Once I have my Pro1x, my Pro 1 will become my experimental device to try Droidian, Sailfish, no google Lineage, etc.
    1 point
  5. I must admit that I'm very close to giving up on AICP-S, since no one seems to be working on fixing the basic issues that has been there for over two months of initial release, and security updates over half a year old. So maybe I should look at sailfish instead....
    1 point
  6. Yes, I didn't get it from there, but that was essentially the same instructions. The question I don't know the answer to is whether Droidian is using Phosh (mobile version of Gnome, I believe). If so, that Phoc.ini file is what you want.
    1 point
  7. Found the below on the Mobian wiki, if you have the same files it's probably the same fix in Droidian 🙂
    1 point
  8. Lately, the Android 11 System UI starts to crash now and then, after the device has been in use for some time (at least a few days). Once it has started behaving like that, one thing that reliably triggers the crash is opening or closing the hardware keyboard. Drove me nuts today when I was in one of my banking apps which should give me a code to authenticate a transaction in my laptop's browser, I opened out the keyboard to enter that app's password, just to see everything disappear behind the lock screen that the crashed System UI had brought up. Logged in to the phone again, the
    0 points
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