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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2022 in all areas

  1. That seems like good advice Suicidal Orange. I too manage to resize my Xperia X / storage thanks to Olf’s well written guide. No shortage of / space on the Pro1X at the minute! Seems to be well over 120GB.
    1 point
  2. I had a few uncertainties about the flashing process that I felt were a bit long winded and vague for the forum so I PMed Casey. He tidied up my questions and supplied clear and comprehensive answers to all points, so I'm posting here so that others may possibly benefit. My questions neatly summarised by Casey in bold, my additions to Casey comments for context outside the PM in italic. Thanks for the speedy and comprehensive response @Casey, I don't remember Steve Jobs being so forthcoming that time I asked him for some crapple information, maybe that's why his iphones are such
    1 point
  3. Just for the record, the issue has stopped appearing here soon after my report, without me changing anything...
    1 point
  4. Thank you all for your replies. Considering the warranty is only 1 year and the fact that they ended support so quickly for the last iteration, I think I might hold off for now. I might return in a year or so to see how satisfied everyone is.
    1 point
  5. Which image did you try? Official Waydroid images don't support Halium 11 devices yet, so you have to use a custom built one: https://github.com/UbuntuTouch-vayu/waydroid_11/releases/tag/1.0 These are the instructions as provided by Verevka86, which compiled the images linked above: On the OG Pro1 instead, everything is available from the Droidian repositories: sudo apt install waydroid waydroid-vendor-28
    1 point
  6. 2.1.5-GMS-less also here. And the problem is definitely there. So whatever fix they prepare, it's not in that ROM.
    0 points
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