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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2023 in all areas

  1. So, it appears that I was able to repair my Pro1-X's radios. Previously, telephony and mobile data wouldn't work for me, as documented earlier in this thread. WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS had always worked perfectly. It turned out that my Pro1X was missing most of its "antenna" connector springs. My main antenna (aka. USB) board was missing two of its three connectors, and the last one broke off while I was diagnosing the problem. See picture attached. It appears these things are really fragile. Also my "diversity" antenna board was missing one connector, which I found rattling in a
    3 points
  2. The one workaround I've found for my old Pro1 with LineageOS which has the same problem is to use the 'Rotation Control Pro' app which I already had installed anyway. I disabled 'per app settings' and now I manually switch between portrait and landscape with the app's controls.
    2 points
  3. @MonCon I've experienced a "battery depletion event" once with the Prawn-X. As documented here: The battery voltage, as measured with an external voltmeter, was "0.000 V" indeed. So booting into whatever runlevel of Android would not have been physically possible any more. In that situation, the only way forward is to charge the battery using some external power supply, as documented in my post above. I guess this is also what F(x)tec are doing if you send in your device for repair.
    2 points
  4. Contrary to popular belief, that setting cannot protect you from the battery depletion bug. As @Sean McCreary clarified in some other thread, Android devices are not really "off" during "off-mode-charging". The charging screen is just a different runlevel of the operating system. The bottom line is that the Pro1X's Linux kernel has to be up and running in order to actively switch the power source from the battery to the USB charger. That won't happen "on its own". So also with off-mode-charging enabled, there has to be enough remaining battery juice for an initial boot of the OS, oth
    2 points
  5. In the video he says the red is negative and the black is positive. I thought it was the opposite (although I very well could be mistaken). Is it different in different countries?
    2 points
  6. A little foot note I'm not quite sure where to put. Just noticed on a Pro1X (not Pro1), when in OFF state pressing the power/button briefly, will have the led blink briefly, green if full, I do not know if it will use other colours in a lower state. So if a Pro1X will not boot, this might be helpful in telling whether it is a depleted battery or something else....
    1 point
  7. AFAIK this flag helps the Pro1 better than the Pro1X, but personally have set it on my Pro1X too - I never understood why this flag is not set by deault on ALL phones. I see the Auto-on function as a really odd function that it is hard to imagine a use case for. (Maybe auto-on could be usable for some with a handicap making it hard to use the powerswitch? But if so I guess they are unlikely to want a keyboard phone) But some things in Android are just oddly opposite to what you would expect. E.g we do not get a warning of risking privacy information when enabling location services, o
    1 point
  8. I wasn't able to 100% confirm that all units shipped out from the previous warehouse were working. Given the timeframe I had, it was quite impossible to check them one by one... Though, I understand your concerns and will reach out to those who did unfortunately receive a depleted Pro1-X and to offer support whenever we can.
    1 point
  9. I'm very sorry to see that you received a depleted Pro1-X. If you'd like to carry out this repair by yourself, there are currently two ways to do this, but both would require you to disassemble your phone. We do not recommend doing this unless you have experience with electronics repair. As others stated, some components are very delicate and can be prone to break if not careful. If you do wish to proceed by yourself, we have a detailed video tutorial on how to "jump start" your battery by taking apart your Pro1-X. A link of the video can be found here. You can either prepare a cha
    1 point
  10. f(x)tec is an unlucky company. Just when their DeckHD got a bit of exposure and somewhat good reviews, Valve went and announced OLED SteamDecks today with a 90Hz display. Same resolution, but considering DeckHD required BIOS updates, their sales will probably plummet almost to zero. If my Pro1x with QWERTZ hasn't been produced yet, the little hope I had about it being cross-financed by DeckHD is now dead too.
    0 points
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