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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2023 in all areas

  1. There is one rather insane possibility for anyone who has both a Pro 1 and a Pro1x... install the display first in the Pro1 (probably wouldn't have to even glue it) and flash the firmware of the screen. Then remove it from the Pro1 and install it on the Pro1x. I'm no expert and I'm just guessing, but would that work, I wonder.
    2 points
  2. My phone was flashed with Ubuntu Touch and then I tried to flash it back to the Android system, but my computer crashed during the process. Now, I have used the 9008 method to flash the official package back to the original system, but I panicked when I saw that the available space was only 8GB, so I flashed it again. This time, I selected some options on QFIL that I shouldn't have, including the option to clear all partitions. During the process, the computer froze, and after I forcefully shut it down, it turned into its current state. Now, the situation is that it boots to the Android logo s
    1 point
  3. As bad as the situation is for @kif, this at least is a piece of information that was missing until now. I would have thought they'd have included that patch routine in the Pro1X stock ROM, too... And it is seems a good thing I didn't venture to replace my broken Pro1X screen with my the last Elephone replacement screen just yet... @Hook's recipe actually sounds like the one promising option that remains. Maybe someone with a Pro1 that's defective enough in other parts to still be useful could offer it as a service? 😉 I'm afraid I can't offer mine just yet as it is still kind of work
    1 point
  4. I'm no expert in this, but the persist partition contains important information like imei, and I do not think we as users can recreate it. In principle you could clone the partition from another phone, but as they would share imei they could not co-exists on the net as active phone, so it would require some tool that can recreate the parts that are different between phones. So I will suggest you to contact [email protected] and hear what they will suggest. I fear that you would need to return the phone, for fxtec to do whatever 'magic' needed.
    1 point
  5. Hi I have recently replaced the screen with one found on Aliexpress, it works but now i have an unresponsive margin on both sides! On this forum I have seen that the problem was known on the Pro1 (see: Display units with large tap-insensitive margin), and the solution was to restore the stock android and boot, that should calibrate the digitizer. I have tried the same on my Pro1X, without any success! So: Does any one know how to calibrate the digitizer on pro1x? Thanks.
    0 points
  6. The problem is the fix for the Pro1 was a patch from the Screen manufacturer that requires Android 10 or less. FxTec was able to incorporate that patch into their version of Android 9. Since the Pro1x starts with Android 11, there is no way to patch the Elephone U screens for the Pro1x. At this juncture, at least as far as I know, there is no fix until FxTec is able to provide replacement screens.
    0 points
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