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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2025 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone I think I found a trick to repair my old pro1 keyboard. Facts : -some models have keyboard problems since beginning -some users reported some problems after a few years of use -problems listed are everytime the same : some ghosting touch (example : you type 'a' and nothing appears, or a triple 'a' suddenly pop... -when I removed the keyboard cap (the things with the buttons) a few years ago it solved all keyboards problems, for a few months or so -Completely removing the keyboard "white things" (things with contact touch and led, no idea for the correct name), i
    2 points
  2. It stopped working again. Let's hope for a Lineage, or app update. Other phones seem to have the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/LineageOS/comments/1i2hi9y/android_auto_broken_after_update_from_los_21_to/
    2 points
  3. I agree It's experimental, but sure I will report here if it works and then find a way to make this in a cleaner way. I updated the last LOS and my two yellows key doesn't work anymore. Not a big deal as shift also works, but unclear if it's a software issue or if I broke something. The rest of the keyboard works like a charme.
    1 point
  4. I still had an open ticket in their Zendesk, so I was responding to that. I am not sure what the deal is now.
    1 point
  5. to @DoctorClu, I agree with @claude0001, but LineageOS also has it drawbacks, over stock, though for some they might not matter. Pros and cons.... Personally the lack of multiple key-layouts, that was broke a few versions ago, makes it almost useless for me (use it for tests only). And there might be some app that have very high security requirements that might not work.Could e.g. be bank apps, or some apps for putting official papers like drivers licence or similar identification apps on the phone. Some might work fine though, but not all.
    1 point
  6. The only way of "upgrading" is installing LineageOS 22, which will give you the equivalent of Android 15. Since LIneageOS re-uses most of the device drivers from stock Android 9, it is unlikely that audio or camera quality will be improved. At least I do not know of any such updates. That being said, a recent LineageOS will give you all those Android security patches since 2020, which is of quite some value in itself ...
    1 point
  7. Hi, good to hear they're a still responding. Just for clarification: did you send the mail to [email protected]? I ask because i wrote several mails since the last update from indigogo (one mail in September 2024, one in december 2024 and one a few minutes ago) , all to [email protected] and haven't recieved any response what so ever. Is there any other mail adress or channel i could try? I'm also one of the original backers who havn't recieved his phone yet.
    0 points
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