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Everything posted by CornholioGSM

  1. Root of los21/22 is very simple. In phone just download and install last magisk.apk. Then downloaded magisk.apk (download folder) rename to magisk.zip and copy this zip to sd card root. Reboot phone to lineage recovery. Select install update, install from sd and select magisk.zip...wait...and reboot to lineage. Open again installed magisk app, press install - direct install (recommended). Done...phone is rooted πŸ™‚
  2. ***BUG found. I am able to enable wifi hotspot...but i am unable to turn hotspot off. Settings crashes and is needed reboot.
  3. I have opened new issue report on lineageos gitlab...because rotating problem persist on los 22 unofficial beta too...so maybe will be fixed on new official build. https://gitlab.com/LineageOS/issues/android/-/issues/7884
  4. if you mean in hw keyboard settings, then you can select only one 😞
  5. So dirty flashed without wipe from last official 21 to this 22. First flashed recovery (boot) and then lineage. ***gapps are included inside OddSolutions builds! All without problem - phone boots normally without any error. Then was only needed to reflash magisk for root access.
  6. Hello, same as for Pro1 is LineageOs 22.0 from #npjohnson out for Pro1-XπŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ As always (i mean) updates will be every month. https://updater.oddsolutions.us/devices/pro1x/builds So official will be within two months. Maybe will be good to test it and post bugs to npjohnson before official los release because npjohnson is official los developer πŸ™‚
  7. Hello, it looks like LineageOs 22.0 from #npjohnson is out πŸ™‚ As always (i mean) updates will be every month. https://updater.oddsolutions.us/devices/pro1/builds So official will be within two months. Maybe will be good to test it and post bugs to npjohnson before official los release because npjohnson is official los developer πŸ™‚ * i will test it within few days
  8. I have found this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006442906382.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.33013376R9O4PN&browser_id=464cdc0fa46845cca192376e381078fe&aff_trace_key=a23a4d02d0e940c0b493310149854248-1719437607788-01469&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=pwoahiolkjccauqb193018851ee73f10e5e11a83b4&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CZK!1303.07!1303.07!!!54.45!54.45!%40211b80c217308975313546001ed406!12000037183760954!sea!CZ!137075871!X&algo_pvid=899055ce-252a-47a7-895d-9fa45be03ca8 Pro1 display with black frame and it looks like it was connected to pro1...soo it will be
  9. Tomas @CornholioGSM says, that i can change/repair display without problem:) ...BUT at first you must be from EU (...because customs fees)...and then i can order new display but display can have ugly corners 😞 I have by me original my spare display with black frame ...but 3 corners have not good corner radius 😞
  10. yess same problem on pro1 from approx 4months old los builds. ...and same problem on los on another motorola phone. You can test to disable wifi calling and volte
  11. Updated via OTA to 21-20240928-NIGHTLY-pro1 without problem. Camera and flashlight function is back πŸ™‚
  12. Again same question. I mean that if you want to refund and you have no respond from fx, then you can made refund by your bank. You will have refund within one month i mean πŸ™‚
  13. ....hmmm soo in next build 😞 Today build have same problem
  14. I have message from Nolen Johnson . CAMERA BUG IS FIXED! ...Report on Gitlab is now closed πŸ™‚ Soo fix will be in this or on next week build. https://gitlab.com/LineageOS/issues/android/-/issues/7410#note_2123296136
  15. It will be good, but i mean too thick due size of rear camera 😞
  16. Soo yess...my phone have stuck on 10% (battery saver) for more than one hour with youtube playing. Final time on battery was approx 34 hours and 6 hours on display. After second charging my phone charges up to 3138mAh but after few seconds after disconnect chager it shows again 2900mAh. It looks like i can be happy with new cell. Question is for how long. BTW cell looks exactly same as original with contacts on exactly same place.
  17. I am not sure but maybe will it be same as when i have changed battery cell on my old motorola photon. After first full charge motorola stuck on 5% battery for hours and was needed to wait util phone off and then recharge. After 3 full charging was battery info "recalibrated" and all was fine. ...i am now on 55% after 15 hours and phone says that will be on battery up to tomorrow 14:30
  18. yesss....good question...i dont know old values πŸ˜„ Old battery was holds only around 8-10hours max.
  19. Soo yesterday i have madded my battery refurbishment . It was simple process - remove kapton tape, cut old battery cell contacts from pcb, littlebit shorten contacts on new cell, solder new cell to pcb with spot welder, isolate, bend pcb to correct place and then new kapton tape. It looks like original and whole process was for 5 mins πŸ™‚ I am now inside testing - charged to full - lineage batt info shows approx 2900mA after full charge. I have now 66% on battery after 10 hours usage (lineage update, yt music for 2 hours in car, 40 mins on browser, some calls e
  20. Lineage-21.0-20240901-nightly-pro1-signed.zip OTA installed. Sill: No Camera No Flashlight https://review.lineageos.org/q/project:LineageOS/android_device_fxtec_pro1
  21. Last update 21-20240824-NIGHTLY-pro1 installed (OTA) and still same problems. *No Camera *No Flash Light
  22. hmmm...this forum is about FXtec phones and this is TCL. I see, that your phone is in fastboot/bootloader. On this screen press power button for normal start. If phone boots again to this screen, then use VOLume buttons - select Recovery, press power button - phone boots into recovery. Here select with vol buttons wipe data and then select reboot. If phone still boots into Fastboot, then is neededt to test firmware flashing............
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