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Benni last won the day on February 13

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About Benni

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    Pro¹ (Android), Pro¹ X (Android (reserve, rooted))

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  1. I suspect, you don't need to go the Magisk App OTA path for every update once you have Magisk in both slots, but I still always to it.
  2. It seems that the connection is only working, when the phone is connected via bluetooth first.
  3. Android Auto worked two out of two times for me with todays update.
  4. It stopped working again. Let's hope for a Lineage, or app update. Other phones seem to have the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/LineageOS/comments/1i2hi9y/android_auto_broken_after_update_from_los_21_to/
  5. I found this thread. They recommend a specific cable, or an AA Wireless dongle. Maybe worth to try.
  6. Update: I got it working again (for now) by re-installing the Android Auto app using the playstore. Warning I lost all my settings this way, so maybe try clearing cache first. @CornholioGSM
  7. Somewhat off topic, but I can confirm that Android Auto via cable is broken for me on official lineage 22.1 Pro1X and a Mercedes Car. Was working before the upgrade.
  8. I needed to switch back to the old slot because bluetooth audio was broken for me. Both media and calls.
  9. Yes, it makes the app believe that the phone is not rooted
  10. You can try the following commands (from telegram) to get the camera working: Just executed two commands and voila: camera works again $ adb shell setprop vendor.debug.camera.eisv3enable 1 $ adb shell killall -9 [email protected]_64 I had even transport apps simply crash (on opening the account/tickets view) when the safety net check failed.
  11. No idea how it works with microG, sorry. Also not my mod, I'm just a user.
  12. I'm pretty sure you need to pass safetynet/play integrity for banking apps. I do that using: * MagiskHide Props Config - with the stock fingerprint (config in attachment) * Univarsal SafetyNet Fix * Blacklist in Magisk printslist
  13. It's simply applying a device policy, I don't think there's anything to maintain 🙂
  14. With this tool, it is possible to disable the fingerprint reader for unlocking the phone. https://f-droid.org/de/packages/com.davidshewitt.admincontrol/ But that probably won't help your case. Maybe you can remap the "fingerprint" button e.g. using https://f-droid.org/de/packages/io.github.sds100.keymapper/?
  15. I can't reproduce this in firefox, lineage-20.0-20230504, with stored fingerprints.
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