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Everything posted by pistikem

  1. my Pro1 is stuck in Taiwan already for more than 4 days... do other Canadians experience the same problem ? could this be a customs issue ? mine is supposed to be delivered in Montréal.
  2. regarding customs charges in Canada, i have not yet been contacted by FedEx - delivery expected for coming monday 2020-01-27.
  3. juhuuh, got my tracking number this morning for Montréal, Canada :
  4. just arrived in my mail box : stock assigned - ordered from Montréal Canada - QWERTY - order #62** - non-IGG - payed 2019-07-01 :
  5. i fully agree, Dude. plus, i like to add this item to your list : uname -a Linux Nokia-N900-42-11 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 v71 unknown guess why i 'love' that other company so much ? it's a rather visceral cramp when i just think about them...
  6. me too, i need one too - my n900 is dying...
  7. - Pre-Oder date : Thu, 28 Feb 2019 16:11:58 (EST) - Order number: 62xx - IGG coupon: No - Model: QWERTY - Location: Canada - Order received: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 19:31:50 (EST) - Day of Payment: 2019-07-31 (2019-08-01 transaction date) - Stock Assigned Email : No - Tracking Number : No - Phone Received : No
  8. i didn't ask them yet - so i don't know about the Montréal situation...
  9. not yet - nothing received - nothing assigned - as of this cold morning in Montréal...
  10. sounds promising, VaZso, köszönöm - i payed within 24h, that's 1st of august ! oops, looking at EskeRahn's post above, then my 24 hours feel like an eternity - ojwej !
  11. the 15th in Montréal is a bit out of reach for me - first i doubt i/we will get hold of our shiny new Pro1s by then. second we will have some baby gathering at home, and babies come first...
  12. ...so, what can one expect with an order number around [ORDER #62xx] for Montréal ? 2nd batch, 3d batch ? this year, next year ? in any case, as long as my N900 works i will be fine and wait patiently - but its microUSB port starts to be a bit finicky i must say...
  13. sure, i don't mind at all, a quick Pro1 réunion in Mtl, in december perhaps ? though meanwhile i didn't receive new messages from fxtec, except for the email with Subject: Your F(x)tec order has been received! that was when they had charged my CC, on the last day of july...
  14. that would click well with me here in Montréal, no clack !
  15. Nokia N900 - two times - from which the second one broke. currently i am still using my first N900 which is also my first mobile phone i ever bought, nearly 10y ago...
  16. me too, still using a Nokia N900. i actually owned two N900s but the USB port broke in the 'newer' one. so, i still use my first one, for some 10 years now... but i can't make its openVPN running, so that's why i am really keen to get hold of that Pro1 !
  17. good news, thank you, EskeRahn. in this case it seems that horizontal use of the Pro-1 works with Termux ? is the Esc-key jump perhaps related to Termux, rather than to Android ? the Esc-key is pretty essential for UNIX stuff. i am especially curious in trying to use the Right-Alt key separately in a dedicated mode with other keys together as that would help me in bash with my language escapades. although, as netman stated, it remains to be seen if my setup only works with xterm or can be applied to other terminal emulators...
  18. perhaps my original post was not entirely clear : i don't need an Android terminal to access the phone per se. i just need an easy way to use ssh to get out of the box. if the interface is ok i can use either a built-in ssh or an ssh terminal client like you all spoke about. szia VaZso, yes, i agree, that was a pretty good feature in the N900, to access it remotely with its entire file system - which i btw still use on a daily basis as phone, camera, terminal - till the Pro-1 arrives... i used JuiceSSH in the past years ago on my wife's Android which was ok. but Termux looks pretty cu
  19. my stone-age Nokia N900 has a terminal emulator built in - ssh is just a command, works like a charm. now, how does that work with Android 9.0 Pie ? importantly, which ssh terminal client is compatible with the Pro-1's physical keyboard ?
  20. i still use a Nokia N900, for nearly 10 years now, everything works just as it should - but still, i eagerly await this new Pro1 model as i really need openVPN, with JuiceSSH, and a more up-to-date browser etc. i hope delivery to Canada will not be delayed much...
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