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Everything posted by auvo.salmi

  1. Nope, only logo key works. Caps lock led doesn't. Led backlight still works though, but doubt that means anything. Thanks, installed. Not too familiar with the adb stuff (could have used it years ago when was my previous experience with android), and I feel quite helpless doing debugging on android, compared to a linux system for example. In my case this won't be a big problem as I'll get my device replaced anyway, but if many people is experiencing this, it would be a bad thing for the company. And now I have had this error like two days in a row. Too early to make conclusions,
  2. I'm having the hwkb problem again, right now. Is there anything I could do for testing? Also, just tried screen mirroring via usb to hdmi. Not sure if bug or feature, but media volume jumps to maximum and stays there (sound output via hdmi, don't know if this could be switched to device speakers simultaneously. Not a big problem since most displays/tv's with speakers also have volume adjust, but anyway.
  3. Yes he does. Although with QWERTZ keyboard but this shouldn't make a difference, I believe.
  4. The stock virtual keyboard, and FinQwerty app for Finnish layout with QWERTY hwkb (I ordered QWERTZ but got QWERTY, I'll got it changed when preorders have been fulfilled). First time this happened I guess I even tried to change the hwkb layout, but it didn't affect to the problem. And in case I wasn't accurate enough: The virtual keyboard still works when hwkb stops working.
  5. No I can't imagine a pattern. But at least it hasn't ever happened like, in the middle of typing a message or so. Every time it has been on that state when I unlock the phone and start typing. At least once it has occurred when I try to type in Whatsapp and at least once when trying to type in browser. And when it occurs, the hwkb stays inactive in any app I try to type in. I believe Fx button still works (brings me to home screen), but nothing else. And it has happened both before and after firmware upgrade.
  6. Do you have occasional incidents where hwkb stops working? It has happened to me two or three times, so not too often but still quite annoying. Reboot helps but is there anything else to do, to restore hwkb connection via OS and avoid reboot?
  7. Well, I downloaded the Netflix apk from apkmirror and it works. But of course it would be great if it'd work officially.
  8. But didn't Erik just confirm that Pro1 has passed the Google certification? So it shouldn't be a problem anymore. But do you think that if I could find the Netflix apk from somewhere else, I should be able to install and also use it then? Haven't searched from alternate stores yet.
  9. I tried to install Netflix, but Play Store says the device is not supported by the app. Is this also because of the missing Google certification, or is there something else missing?
  10. Not EskeRahn, but I can tell Bluetooth works but seems to have some issues. Somebody else already reporter of issues pairing with some headset. Today I tried with a bluetooth receiver (Procaster BT-02) which receives bluetooth signal and sends it to my home stereo. Basic connection/pairin works but looks like aptX doesn't work.
  11. I had few HTC Desire Z's, and preordered Jolla phone, hoping for some hw keyboard Other Half. I actually had both of those made by dirkvl, but felt them being more of a curiosity than a really usable thing. After Jolla I went to some newer Android phones with unofficial Sailfish ports, but then got tired to lack of hwkb. At this point I switched to N900, which I hadn't used before. Then I preordered Pro1 and was planning to use my N900 until I get the Pro1. But sadly I broke the USB port of my N900 two weeks ago, so I had to go back to my Oneplus X with Sailfish port for few weeks, until the P
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