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Everything posted by gtmaster303

  1. Really hope the uneven keyboard lighting was just a fault with the review unit. Not dealing with that on my phone...
  2. You have a link to that review? Don't see it anywhere
  3. If they gave me a shirt, it would get a lot more use and publicity than headphones
  4. We're both entitled to an opinion, no need to be disrespectful though. Have a good day
  5. Why even dangle the possibility of the phone shipping out before 10/29?
  6. I asked them to include an option for a phone skin as I'm sure it would be hard to find anyway and a nice alternative to the case. Topic didn't get any traction. I would be willing to to take a shirt instead of headphones or a case as well. Considering they can barely get the phone out on time, I doubt they would want to entertain giving us options on our included accessories. Even if it's a few dollars, I wish we could get that back if we opted out of the accessories. I agree the case and headphones will be almost meaningless to me. Unless these are next level headphones they're including
  7. Have we gotten any updates on using the Pro1 on CDMA carriers like Sprint and Verizon? I know the phone supports the bands but does it actually work? I would think beta testing and the delays would've given ample time to confirm this...
  8. You have a lot of time on your hands lol. Regardless it's sad that we have to piece this info together ourselves from different sources, not to mention it all means nothing and is subject to change. Until we have tracking numbers, nothing is certain
  9. Not to get technical but I count more than you did. July to summer - 1 September/summer to early October - 2 Early October to mid/late October - 3 Time will tell if there's another delay... We're obviously getting closer but the delays are real and frequent enough to be a problem for some.
  10. Objectively speaking I agree with him. We were the first to pay for the device months ago and support an unknown company when mainstream consumers typically wouldn't. I think some type of token saying sorry and thank you would go a long way here.
  11. So we are delayed again to mid or late October? Honestly I don't know what to think of that. Will they tell us if we're in the first or second batch? Really hate the obscurity going on, not kidding I feel like a fool right now. Even if it is just another week...
  12. I've told family and friends about the Pro1 and how excited I am, how much I spent on the phone and the fact that I've never bought a new phone ever but I'm willing to this time because I really like the device and want to support the company. How disappointing is it that every time they ask me about it, I say it's been delayed? And I've been saying that since July... Not kidding my brother just told me yesterday I wonder when you're going to give up and get a new phone
  13. If they time to post on social media, they have time to update us on project status. A long time ago they said they wouldn't take payments until they were 2-3 weeks from shipping. I paid 2 months ago for my preorder. Over the past few months I've seen all kinds of new phones getting released and I'm still here waiting for my Pro1. This wait is beyond frustrating and I'm not even sure it's worth it anymore. I can get a new phone from a major brand that has all their ducks in a row for half this price or even less. Sure no keyboard, but at least I get the support I am used to as a paying custom
  14. Are they talking about pre-order or orders placed after the pre orders closed?
  15. How close exactly? No ship date or updates since the newsletter from two weeks ago. Would like an official update
  16. I know the device hasn't shipped yet, but I want to know if the team has been working on the new version on Android or when they intend on updating the Pro1. Based on what they posted in the past, efforts were going to be made to ensure the device received timely updates and mirror Google time frames as much as possible - one of the main reasons I bought the device.
  17. Yea I'm curious about that as well. I would they will say just use the "universal" sim kit.
  18. Nope it ended back in April. Mine is valid through November
  19. I'm on Sprint BYOD 1 year free promo right now and was going to move to tello near the end of the year when it expires. This is important info the team needs to release... Need to know which sim model. I already emailed and tweeted them, no reply yet
  20. No not size. Model number. For example, a pixel 2 would need simglw416c card. Spint makes dozens of different sims compatible with different sets of phones. But they're not interchangable
  21. I know this phone supports the bands needed to run on Sprint, but does anyone know which model sim is needed? Kinda worried as an unknown device if it will activate on the network
  22. Does anyone know how many devices they need to sell for this to be considered a success? The more the better, but is there a number they are aiming to hit?
  23. What do you mean? The specs of this phone can be found in other handsets for nearly half the price. I think the reason their price is higher is due to development costs and volume, or lack of volume rather
  24. My preorder says $694 with VAT, but as you mentioned, "splitting sticks" If this phone is a niche product it will live and die as such. But i'm going to stay optimistic as the company seems to genuinely care about the device and it's users. It's done things none of the big players have done. Aftermarket rom support, an easily replaceable battery, the push for continual improvement, and software updates rivaling the pixel line. No one else can boast these features I've never paid full price for any phone but I'm ready to pay for this one and I think that speaks volumes for my support. Hopefu
  25. I'll be honest, for a new company at first I thought the price was ok, but I'm starting to get a little less forgiving now. Nearly all manufacturers have released new phones over the past 6 months, some getting discounts shortly after release. I doubt this phone will drop in price after release. It's a tough pill to swallow when you're asking 700 for a new phone. I've never spent so much on a device before. Always bought pre-owned handsets or handsets on sale. I know development costs are not cheap and they need to make money but I think the price will scare many away. Same thing happened to
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