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Everything posted by rejujacob

  1. My Pro1 worked only 1 year from Jan 2020. Later it had earpiece problem, then display problem etc. Managed to send it back to them for repairs from India in Nov 21. Thankfully they acknowledged receipt of device and later no updates as such... Whenever they finish repairs now, it will be an outdated device. Such a waste of my hard earned money! I have asked them to replace it with newer Pro1 X. But again they are not replying. Totally disappointed. Had waited so long to get it in the 1st place. Now waiting for repairs. It's only waiting game here, at the same time the tech is c
  2. Yes, maybe something wrong with the button. I must have dropped the phone atleast 10 times from chairs, tables and even pockets. Luckily the display never even got scratched. And without a casing available it maybe only a matter of time....
  3. This has resolved my issue. Thanks!
  4. Hi, does anyone else face this problem. It didn't seem to have been discussed before. Since many months, on standby mode when I press power button it automatically activates the camera (say 80% of times). I don't need this. Looks like some bug. How to solve this?
  5. Last night the device restarted by itself was waiting for PIN. So I missed my morning alarm!!! But this has happened for the first time since last 3 weeks...
  6. Note sure if this was discussed before.. At the moment the "Ring Volume" controls both Ring and Notification volumes. But I need to control them separately. Maybe it can be incorporated in next update?
  7. Yes, inner slot is for SIM1 and dual slot is for SIM2. When I remove the SIM2 and reboot there's no warning, SIM1 is still in slot and is working fine. But as soon as I reinsert the SIM2 it says "SIM 1 not provisioned" SIM1 is still in slot and is working fine. On the Keyone it correctly says "SIM2 not provisioned" as my SIM2 is not activated or connected to network.
  8. On startup it says "SIM 1 not provisioned", whereas actually it should be SIM 2, as it's not activated. However the SIM numbers are shown correctly in settings etc.
  9. rejujacob


    Also, when you use single key for trigger, the same letter does not work inside that App. Example when you use single key trigger "W" for WhatsApp, I am unable to type any message using letter W. Similarly with single key trigger "M" for Messages. I am unable to type any message using letter M.
  10. rejujacob


    Yes the Fxtec long press launch, known as keyboard shortcuts. Which Key Mapper are you using? So maybe you can't use Fn + L combo as it would then disable "?" and so on...
  11. rejujacob


    Perfect! Just what I wanted. @Slion the keyboard shortcuts are no longer working with Swiftkey enabled. Even if I long press any key only the Google search opens!
  12. rejujacob


    Is there no way to enable auto capitalisation for a new line and also auto cap after a full stop/ period? With this non sticky "shift" key, typing is more cumbersome.
  13. 1. The volume of Amazon Music keeps increasing slightly during my morning walks, with each kilometre covered, when the voice announces my distance/ speed etc. on the Endomondo app. This never happens with Keyone, (BTW the music sound quality is much better than Keyone). 2. WiFi signal strength is low on Pro1, Keyone is easily able to keep the connection while Pro1 drops at same distance. Hope firmware update can increase the signal strength?
  14. My issues resolved by deselecting all tick boxes to enable "default" keyboard.
  15. I installed FinQWERTY and used "US international for physical US QWERTY" In this keyboard the "Alt" key works like the default "slant yellow arrow" key, and slant yellow key works for some other special characters like 1/2 1/4 etc . Ok fine, but now when I reverted to back US English or UK English keyboards after uninstalling FinQWERTY, the slant arrow key refuses to work! So I cannot get the special yellow characters like ?<> etc to work. But Shift key now enables all the yellow characters on the numeric keys viz., @#$% etc. I had to reinstall FInQWERTY to use the special
  16. Occasionally some of my random keys gets stuck (not physically). So it keeps typing same letter until I stop it with backspace. I am using default keyboard. Anyone else facing this issue? Can this be sorted through software update? PS: Really need a sticky "shift" key. Otherwise so difficult to type and hold 2 keys on this super wide keyboard even with my big hands!
  17. Ohhhh, it works now! We literally need to tap the camera on the NFC tag! I was tapping everywhere else! So be prepared for some scratches on camera lens? :-) Unable to get the Trigger App to enable "WiFi Hotspot" as it seems like it requires root access to function. Well, that's another thread! :-)
  18. NFC is not working on Pro1. (Yes NFC is enabled) NFC tags work fine with BB Keyone. Has anyone faced this issue or is it only me?
  19. Great news! Enjoy your Pro1. What are the 1st impressions? How much customs duty did you have to pay?
  20. They have updated delivery date to 27th instead of 25th Jan. No problem. But I wonder why they write " Scheduled per shipper request" As of now shipment has still not left HKG.
  21. But it was already picked up. Please see below history. Hence I am confused. Tuesday , 21/01/2020 19:00 YUEN LONG HK At FedEx origin facility Scheduling per shipper request 18:59 YUEN LONG HK Left FedEx origin facility 17:19 YUEN LONG HK Picked up 00:52 Shipment information sent to FedEx
  22. My scheduled delivery by Fedex was for Sat, 25th Jan. But now it shows as "Shipment schedule pending" "Shipping Exception" and other comments as under. Any idea what's happening? Why would Fxtec change my shipping schedule? Have sent Fxtec email. Wonder when I will get a reply. Shipment schedule pending Recommended action: Scheduling per shipper request. Contact shipper if questions. No scheduled delivery date available at this time. SHIPMENT EXCEPTION YUEN LONG, HK
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